The CPD Blog is intended to stimulate dialog among scholars and practitioners from around the world in the public diplomacy sphere. The opinions represented here are the authors' own and do not necessarily reflect CPD's views. For blogger guidelines, click here.

Co-hosted by CPD Faculty Fellow Nicholas J. Cull and Good Country Index founder Simon Anholt, the podcast People, Places, Power featured weekly discussions on international reputation, foreign policy and related issues along the way. 

Image of the book The World is Our Stage: The Rhetorical Presidency and the Cold War with blue background

Prasch's book on the rhetorical presidency and the Cold War is enjoyable and fresh in its approach, writes Nick Cull.

National flags by TommL via Canva

Season 2 of a podcast co-hosted by Nicholas J. Cull and Simon Anholt.

Map of Africa by omersukrugoksu via Canva

Season 2 of a podcast co-hosted by Nicholas J. Cull and Simon Anholt.

Small bird house by Hellado via

Season 2 of a podcast co-hosted by Nicholas J. Cull and Simon Anholt.

Image via iStock

Season 2 of a podcast co-hosted by Nicholas J. Cull and Simon Anholt.

Person leaping with effort by jcomp via

Season 2 of a podcast co-hosted by Nicholas J. Cull and Simon Anholt.

Crown on British flag. Flag by kjpargeter via Crown via

Season 2 of a podcast co-hosted by Nicholas J. Cull and Simon Anholt.
