A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Rwanda: Senator Kerry Praises Rwandan-U.S. Student Exchanges

Rwandan exchange students and their American counterparts from Massachusetts recently received encouragement from Senator John Kerry, the son of a U.S. foreign service officer, in their efforts to foster greater cultural understanding through examining the past.

Tags: united states, africa, rwanda

Obama’s Mr. Cool Act Wins Few Foreign Friends: Celestine Bohlen

After 14 months in office, President Barack Obama is looking at a cold and friendless world. That doesn’t seem to bother him one bit, because he’s the one who’s acting chilly. Obama has always been cool, aloof as well as hip. That quality is now making its mark on his diplomacy, as he dispenses with the kind of personal relationships that make history such a good read.

Tags: barack obama

Madonna visits Malawi for a charity tour

According to an official program released by the pop star's charity, Raising Malawi, Madonna is scheduled Monday to visit the Millennium Village, a United Nations initiative in the central border district west of Lilongwe.

Tags: non-state pd, malawi

Why China Snubs Russia Arms

Last week, Russia delivered 15 additional batteries of S-300 surface-to-air missiles to China, making good on an about 2 billion dollar deal signed in the mid-2000s. Yet despite the publicity surrounding the sale, the Russian-Chinese arms transfer relationship is in trouble.

Tags: china, russia, trade diplomacy

How Russia nourishes radical Islam

In Russia, however, the problem of terrorism is arguably more difficult than in Europe or the United States. We have radical Islam right inside our borders, in the North Caucasus.

Tags: russia, terrorism

Exhibit Ties Public Health With Public Diplomacy

[USC] Public Diplomacy student Paul S. Rockower illustrates the connection between public diplomacy and public health in the photography exhibit "A Focus on Global Health."

Tags: global health

The Sporty Spice of Colombia

The South American Games, which featured over 5,000 athletes from fifteen different countries, came to a close earlier this week in Medellín, Colombia. The significance? The emergence of Colombian sports diplomacy and its vital role in re-branding the country's image.


EAC-EU Trade Talks Hit a Snag

Reports that the East African Community is close to signing an Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) with the European Union may be a mirage.

Tags: africa, european union, trade diplomacy


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