A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Kalpana at the National Gallery

‘Kalpana’ an exhibition of reproductions of Indian Contemporary Figurative Art is currently on at the National Gallery, Castellani House. The exhibition, which opened last Tuesday, features masterpieces of Indian contemporary figurative art by 14 of the leading painters of India.


Lee Reveals First Lady’s Secret of Beauty

Korea tries to promote its food globally at the Davos World Economic Forum as part of its "soft power" strategy to boost its international image. They hosted a gala to showcase the Korean food by inviting a number of guests that included Angel Gurroa, the Secretary-General of the OECD, and some 800 other dignitaries.


Proportionality & Hypocrisy: NATO in Kosovo vs. IDF in Gaza

The international furor over the Goldstone Report and the ongoing censure of Israel over its conduct of "Operation Cast Lead" refuses to die down, even against the backdrop of the country's remarkable humanitarian efforts in earthquake-stricken Haiti.


India plans e-network for small Pacific island states

With UN reforms inching back on the global agenda and keeping climate change negotiations in mind, India is now wooing Pacific small island states with an e-network, on the lines it created in Africa, to bring them triple benefits of tele-education, governance and medicine.


OIC Secretary General addresses the Think Tank Forum of the Islamic Countries in Istanbul

The Think Tank Forum of the OIC Member States was held in Istanbul. During the two days of the Forum, discussion on a wide range of issues relating to peace and security, democracy, as well as the question of public diplomacy was carried out in detail by the participants of the Forum.


Noted US dance company gives free performance

San Francisco's groundbreaking contemporary dance company is about to take Jakarta's Salihara small theater stage by storm tonight and tomorrow night — for free, and bring two countries a step closer to each other.


US angers China with Taiwan arms package

The sale marks the most divisive act toward China by President Barack Obama, whose first year was devoted to broadening ties with Beijing despite discord on areas such as trade, human rights, Internet censorship and climate change.


Axis Of Wheat

Russia wants to include India in its strategic reserve plan for wheat. India will need to handle its foreign relations and grain storage much better to take advantage of that.



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