A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Clinton Diplomacy Emphasizes Women’s Rights

Rarely does Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton venture abroad without pushing the case for ''women empowerment,'' a signature issue of her nearly one-year tenure as the top U.S. diplomat.


Where is US public diplomacy?

The post-Second World War generation grew up admiring America's ideas and ideals, and always felt inspired by its universal values of freedom and democracy. With the end of the Cold War, that approach is history now, and that diplomacy is nowhere in sight.


Swagger isn’t actually a policy

It is difficult to deny that parts of the US government did a far-from-thorough job when it came to detecting the Nigerian man who allegedly tried to blow up a Detroit-bound airliner on Christmas Day. The odd thing about watching the partisan reaction to the incident, however, has been the degree to which President Barack Obama's Republican critics have focused on style rather than substance.


US TV ‘more likely’ to be on Israel’s side than Lebanon’s

In a conference evaluating connections and ruptures between the United States and the Middle East, presenters quashed myths and unveiled truths about how the two cultures perceive each other.


A testing time for Hatoyama’s diplomatic skills

This year will be the crucial test of whether the administration led by the Democratic Party of Japan can develop into a vigorous, staying force. Its greatest challenges lie in the areas of diplomacy and national security.


Nigerian Anger at the U.S. Grows

The alleged attempt by a Nigerian man to detonate a bomb on a U.S.-bound flight has frayed Nigeria's diplomatic ties with its No. 1 buyer of oil: the U.S.


Coffee and croissant, both Turkish and French

'Cafe & Croissant,' a traveling exhibition organized as part of the Turkey Season in France, opens today at Istanbul's French Cultural Center. Showing that relations between Turkey and France are not only political and diplomatic, but include strong cultural and artistic ties, the exhibition gives examples of the closeness of the two countries in language and daily life.


Fiji and New Zealand rift thaws as diplomats appointed

After months of diplomatic tension, New Zealand and Fiji are making efforts to improve bilateral ties by re-appointing senior staff to their high commissions. A series of diplomatic expulsions last year triggered a deterioration in ties.



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