A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

A difficult path to peace can still be travelled

Judging from the intense activity on the Arab-Israeli peace front in recent weeks, there is reason for cautious hope that the current paralysis will end soon.


Nigeria, Greece strengthen economic diplomacy

According to [Nigerian Minister of Commerce and Industry], “Economic diplomacy is now more important than ever. It is what makes diplomatic relationships mutually beneficial. Trade is important, but more concrete business and economic relations is much better...


Iranian civilization on display in Istanbul

As part of the 2009 Turkey-Iran Culture Year, the Topkapı Palace Museum is hosting an exhibition, “Ten Thousand Years of Iran’s Civilization, Two Thousand Years of Common Heritage” with contributions by the Istanbul 2010 European Capital of Culture Agency, or ECOC.


Obama, Diplomat-in-Chief

Barack Obama and his team have achieved something, namely a “reset” of America’s international image, but have done less than what they promised. However premature it may be to reach such a verdict, Obama’s actions strike some as overly tentative, even ambivalent—the implication being that he is still learning on the job.


A mosaic called Jerusalem

Rarely is it spoken about but Israel has a multicultural core that allows for co-existence and could well shape up the contours of peace in the region, says Rinku Ghosh


Davutoğlu moves to strengthen structure of the foreign ministry

In an effort to meet the needs of more active and more inclusive diplomacy, the Foreign Ministry moved to restructure both its duties and foundation. The draft law envisaging the restructuring of the ministry will soon be submitted to Parliament.


They Hate Us From The Bottom of Their Souls - Capitalists Couldn’t Care Less

If Americans and Europeans were able to review the extremist and deadly foreign policies practiced upon the Third World, they would well understand the origin of the desperate and equally tragic tactics practiced now by the militarily weakest against the far and away militarily strongest occupying superpower empire and its allies.


‘Afghan soil should not be used against neighbours’

Afghanistan’s soil should not be used against any of its neighbours, Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani said on Saturday. Talking to British Foreign Secretary David Miliband at the Prime Minister’s House, Gilani said any future initiatives on Afghanistan should ensure its territorial integrity, national reconciliation and peace and stability.



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