A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

American leadership in a ‘non-polar’ world

Led by Joseph Nye, many believed the U.S. was "bound to lead" the international system as a consequence of its overwhelming material and ideological dominance and American power was unparalleled and would be enduring. But an increasing number of analysts and leaders have claimed that America's authority and its material dominance is being eroded, especially by the costly and ill-advised wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.


Asia’s decade reoriented the world: analysts

The political power that goes hand-in-hand with economic power means that no global agreements can be viable without the approval of China and India, as this month's climate talks in Copenhagen showed. And beyond that lies "soft power" -- the sort of cultural influence wielded last century by the United States in particular, from Hollywood through pop culture to fast food.


Diplomat’s mission is to revive nation

Traditionally, you would be spreading American culture, teaching people about the United States. In Afghanistan, our mission is so much more complicated. ... We’re doing less of the traditional public diplomacy, or public outreach, and we’re doing a lot more of bolstering the Afghan identity.


Pentagon reviewing strategic information operations

Trying to counter information-savvy enemies in Iraq and Afghanistan, the U.S. military has rapidly spent nearly $1 billion in the past three years on strategic communications. But when Congress asked this year what the Defense Department across the services and commands proposed spending for strategic communications in the fiscal 2010 budget, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates found that no one could say because there was no central coordination.


Indian scholarships on offer

The High Commission of India, Colombo and the Indian Council of Cultural Relations announced the endowment of forty scholarships for Sri Lankan Nationals for undergraduate courses under the “Scheme of Scholarships for Nationals of Sri Lanka.” These scholarships are awarded for selected courses of study at numerous Indian universities for academic sessions commencing in 2010.


Some Of The Parts

Surely, the most effective way of dealing with terrorism is not to let the terrorists call the shots or set the agenda in terms of subcontinental relations. Much will depend in this area on the ability of India’s leadership to carry public opinion in a transparent exercise of public diplomacy.


National Translation Center receives Italian Prize

The 2009 award of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs for translation and the promotion of the Italian language was attributed to The National Translation Center. The prize was awarded to Mr. Ahmed Somai for his translation from Italian into Arabic of novel, ‘‘Io non ho Paura” by the Italian writer Niccolo Ammaniti.


China’s Manifest Destiny

For a few China Watchers, the Chinese century provided the possibility of a new, perhaps Third Way in world politics that would utilize soft power and multi-lateral discussions instead of hard power and unilateral decision making, exemplified by the late Bush Administration. Alas, the truth is that China will most likely behave as most superpowers have throughout history: arrogant and self-serving, drunk on this new power — Superpower.



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