A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Turkey to launch “public diplomacy” on Internet

Turkish Foreign Ministry is set to launch "public diplomacy", using strategic communication tools including social networks such as Facebook and Twitter. Tan said such a diplomacy could help Turkey explain its foreign policy and executions through communication channels, adding that the ministry also aimed to set up a two-way communication strategy in order to understand foreign tendencies, sensitivities and concerns.


Doubting Dubai’s Doubters

The schadenfreude surrounding Dubai World’s request for a partial debt standstill is understandable, however lamentable. Dubai has the unfortunate timing of having experienced its tremendous evolution, and subsequent stumble, at the peak of populist displeasure with leveraged driven growth.


Scientist in Line for Top USAID Job

The next head of the US development agency USAID may bring a stronger science and technology flavor to developing country assistance because of his background in agriculture, say commentators.

Tags: science diplomacy

Two Science and Technology Agreements Signed in Brussels

On 30 November, the European Community signed technology cooperation agreements with Japan and Jordan that will help identify common research priorities and areas of common interest, such as energy, sustainable development and environment.

Tags: science diplomacy

Nations Hail Exchange of Space Science Info

China and the United States yesterday said they will open a dialogue on space cooperation, a move experts say will increase understanding and benefit both sides in the long run.

Tags: science diplomacy

War zone 2.0

A new IDF unit formed to help fight the nation's public-relations war is recruiting and training soldiers for the virtual battlefields of Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. "The Internet, and especially social networks, Web 2.0 and bloggers, are an increasingly important and powerful way to disseminate information," said Sgt. Aliza Landes, who heads the unit, which was formed in September.


China and India Share Dryland Farming Tips

Researchers in China and India have joined forces to explore the best ways of turning unpromising drylands into productive farming land.

Tags: science diplomacy

Obama’s Folly

Achieving even a semblance of success, however modestly defined, will require an Afghan government that gets its act together, larger and more competent Afghan security forces, thousands of additional reinforcements from allies already heading toward the exits, patience from economically distressed Americans as the administration shovels hundreds of billions of dollars toward Central Asia, and even greater patience from U.S. troops shouldering the burdens of seemingly perpetual war.



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