A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Swiss Vote to Ban Islamic Minarets

Human rights groups say a ban against minaret construction violates freedom of expression. Many Muslims have expressed concern the vote could resonate across Europe, including in neighboring France - home to about five million Muslims, Western Europe's largest Islamic community.


Going Viral Ain’t Easy

I have been pondering about the impacts of internet communication, Web 2.0 in specific, on nation branding and public diplomacy. A friend of mine and I have decided to launch a Web 2.0 campaign for Turkey’s nation branding.


Ahmadinejad strengthens ties with Latin America

As Iran's president embarked on a tour of Latin America and Africa promoting economic and political ties with the Islamic republic, Michael Theodoulou noted in The National: "Mr Ahmadinejad's five-day foreign excursion is also intended to show that he enjoys legitimacy in countries far nearer to Washington than Tehran.


The Unseen Factions Shaping the Afghanistan Decision

President Obama should consider a call to service, a la Americorps. He should ask for a multi-cultural cross-section of young Americans to serve, but not in military. They should be working within the State Department, as future diplomats in an effort to build soft power resources.


Europe in danger of losing ground to US in relations with China

The US, with its history of relations with Asia, its presence in Asia makes it a more important partner than the EU," Paul Lim, a senior academic adviser at the European Institute for Asian Studies in Brussels said. "The EU with its soft power which it can use to great influence is still young, and is new in the game. It all boils down to how much of a common voice the EU projects.


Music can bring world’s voices together, Catholic jazz icon says

"This kind of cross-cultural thing is something we should sponsor more because it is so important ... to the world," said jazz icon Dave Brubeck, who has performed for nine U.S. presidents and in 2008 received the U.S. State Department’s Benjamin Franklin Award for Public Diplomacy.


U.S. diplomacy and journalism on the Arab-Israel conflict

Isabel Kershner of the New York Times reports that Israel’s Defense Min. Barak has approved building 28 public and educational institutions in Jewish “settlements” in the “West Bank.” He ordered a temporary freeze of other Jewish construction there. The freeze does not apply to Jerusalem.


Cover charge: Making a minor splash in US

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's visit to Washington DC this week got more column inches and air time in the US media than trips by his predecessors. But don't kid yourself that there was wall-to-wall coverage, as some Indian flaks have suggested while pillorying your correspondent for being negative on our dear Prime Minister.



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