A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Public Diplomacy: Shaping the Image

In an ironic contradiction in terms, diplomat David Saranga is what one would call prolific on Twitter. Never mind the 140-character limit, Saranga tweets daily, again and again, apparently not stopping even after his official term as the media liaison at the Israeli Consulate in New York just ended.


Pushing Humpty Dumpty

There are few that would question that the US State Department is a dysfunctional organization. The structure, fiefdoms, and bureaucratic knots have many knowledgeable analysts whether it is possible to bring State into the 20th century, let alone the 21st century.


Obama’s special Ramadan message to Muslim world

Today, President Obama, the son of a Muslim, who's going on vacation, issued a special Ramadan message to the Muslim world.


Sovereignty vs. Security

Public opinion is often hard to measure, but it’s a safe bet that assaults on a country’s sovereignty — real or perceived — can quickly inflame that nation’s public opinion. Public opinion throughout southwest Asia is liable to choose local sovereignty (however insecure and unfree) over security achieved with outside help.


Author Explores How US Churches Reach Out Around The World

From its earliest centuries the church has confessed its global, catholic nature, connecting all of its people and reaching out to all peoples of the world. The modern interconnected communication, transportation, cultural and economic systems have made it possible for Christians to relate to the world's peoples in wholly new and immediate ways, intensifying the possibilities of catholicity.


Ramadan Cultural Outreach for Americans

Filled with the spirit of the holy fasting month, Fatima Nelson is curious to bring Ramadan flavor to her colleagues at Gloucester County College. The US Muslim woman, of Moroccan origin, spent hours to prepare chabbakia, a traditional Moroccan dessert, which is a usual item on iftar in Ramadan, for her classmates.


LEBANON: Snoop Dogg Brings West Coast Style to East Beirut

This is a very elite sort of affair. Very few people get to see it," said Timur Goksel, a lecturer at the American University of Beirut who once proposed that the U.S. government should sponsor acts like Snoop Dogg as a public diplomacy tool. "An event has to be steered toward a larger audience to have any public diplomacy effect.


Engaging the AfPak Information War

Special representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan Richard C. Holbrooke will direct the effort within the State Department, which will focus on the use of cell phones, FM radio and video. Local journalists are to be trained at State Department expense (with a proposed budget of $150 million) to attack and denigrate militants and their messages



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