A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

‘Soft power’ of Manga, Anime Winning Fans The World Over

"Soft power" is the ability to bring about a favorable result not through the power of coercion or compensation, but rather through attraction. Japanese anime, special effects, manga and fashion are typical forms of soft power. It has only been in the last few years that the Foreign Ministry has acknowledged the soft power of manga and anime, actively employing them in its public diplomacy efforts.


New Diplomats For a New World Order

Prof Braveboy-Wagner is chairing a team which has been conducting a foreign policy review for the Government of Trinidad and Tobago since 2006 and has called for a new kind of Caribbean diplomat. The [T&T] Government has also announced its intention to establish a diplomatic academy as a direct outgrowth of this review exercise.


Kobe’s Next Conquest: China

In an attempt to tap into the Chinese government’s growing interest in promoting charity, Mr. Bryant is establishing the Kobe Bryant China Fund. The organization will partner with the Soong Ching Ling Foundation, a charity backed by the Chinese government, to raise money within China earmarked for education and health programs.


Iran Upholds Ahmadinejad Victory After Partial Recount

Iran's election oversight body on Monday declared the hotly disputed presidential vote to be valid after a partial recount, rejecting opposition allegations of fraud and calls for a new vote. Opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi claims he, not incumbent President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, was the rightful winner and has called for a new election, something the government has repeatedly said it will not do.


For a Post in Europe, a Renaissance Admiral

When Adm. James G. Stavridis took over the military’s Southern Command in late 2006, his French was excellent but he spoke no Spanish. Not content to rely on interpreters, he put himself on a crash course to learn the language.As the new American and NATO commander in Europe, Admiral Stavridis, becomes the first naval officer appointed to a position previously held by famed ground-warfare generals. He oversees all American forces under the United States European Command and serves as the supreme allied commander, Europe, NATO’s top military position.


Rights Group: Abolish Diplomatic Escort for Gaza Students

Israel has come up with a new way to make it difficult for university students from the Gaza Strip to study abroad and at the same time embroiled foreign diplomats in activities that violate international law, Gisha: Legal Center for Freedom of Movement charges in a report published on Monday.


Exchange Program Allows Families to Experience Another Culture in their Home

Even if a family never travels around the world, they can learn about other cultures firsthand when they host an exchange student in their home.


Honduras and the Cuba Exception

For the region's democratic gains to take root, Latin America's major democracies will have to start standing up to the Castro brothers. But when it comes to Cuba, complacency about what has been gained takes hold, as Latin American leaders have been reluctant in that case to apply their values and shared commitment to democracy, partly out of fear of appearing to be a tool of American imperialism.



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