A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

What Obama Should Tell Muslims

When President Obama delivers his much-anticipated address in Cairo next week, he should counter the deadly and pervasive narrative that "the West is at war with Islam" and replace it with a more accurate storyline that offers Muslims both responsibility and pride.


Host Families Are Sought

For the past seven years students from China, Mexico and countries in Europe have joined the student population of Dalhousie Regional High School. It has been an opportunity for students, staff and host families to learn about another culture while helping these visiting students practice English and experience life in Canada.


Indian Strategic Power: Soft

The associations and attitudes conjured up in the global imagination by the mere mention of a country's name is often a more accurate gauge of its soft power than a dispassionate analysis of its foreign policies. In the view of author Shashi Tharoor, hard power is exercised; soft power is evoked.


Lesson in Branding

Prominent German author Nikolaus Eberl is in Polokwane [South Africa] to talk about the branding benefits of the 2010 World Cup for South Africa. Eberl wrote the bestselling book Brand Ovation: How Germany won the World Cup of Nation Branding, and the sequel The Hero’s Journey: Building a Nation of World Champions.


Who Will Speak For Israel?

Many [Israeli] officials have been worried about the confusing multiplicity of government agencies and offices that manage public diplomacy. Yet the confusing milieu of official hasbara [public diplomacy] is slowly coalescing into two distinct roles conducted by two bodies: The Prime Minister's Office "coordinates the message," and the new Information and Diaspora Ministry "develops the means to express that message."


Jazz Heritage Center Celebrates Grand Opening of Its Media and Education Center

The use of American jazz greats such as Randy Weston --- along with Louis Armstrong, Dizzy Gillespie, Duke Ellington, Dave Brubeck and others --- in public diplomacy efforts sponsored by the U.S. government is the focus of the JHC's current major exhibit, Jam Session: America's Jazz Ambassadors Embrace the World.


Public Diplomacy Chief Predicts Turnaround in US Standing Abroad

The U.S. State Department's new public diplomacy chief says she's confident America's image abroad can be rebuilt after sagging badly during the Bush administration. Former media executive Judith McHale spoke in an interview with VOA on her first full day as undersecretary of state for public diplomacy.


Obama Integrates Security Councils, Adds New Offices

President Obama announced yesterday that he will merge the staffs of the Homeland Security Council and the National Security Council to speed up and unify security policymaking inside the White House. Obama is establishing a new global engagement directorate to coordinate U.S. communications with other countries and to streamline U.S. diplomatic, aid, environment and energy policies in support of security objectives.



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