A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

A musical tribute to Russian energy diplomacy

Nevermind Eurovision, this little number by a Moscow military theater troop is about as succinct an expression of Russia's current foreign-policy stance as you could ask for.


Don’t expect public diplomacy from Syria, top analyst says

Hours after President Shimon Peres asked Syrian leader Bashar Assad to give Israel a clear sign that he is interested in peace, a senior analyst of Syria told a French Israeli forum at Tel Aviv University on Sunday that such a signal was unlikely to materialize.


Vacation in sunny Nigeria?

West Africa’s oil giant — best known for its endemic corruption, collapsed infrastructure and crime problems — is being re-branded. In a bid to generate national pride and attract foreign investors and tourists, the [Nigerian] government is sprucing up the country’s image under the slogan 'Nigeria: Good People, Great Nation.'


Japan officials promote hip home

Prime Minister Taro Aso -- an avowed fan of Japan's manga comics -- has thrown his enthusiastic support behind the drive to earn hearts, minds and hard cash by promoting the soft power of "cool Japan" overseas.


From India With Love

Today’s program concerns the Year of India. Renowned Indian maestros and folk artists with their gala performances will woo hearts and minds of a new generation of Russians as the year-long India in Russia festival kick-starts here. Indian festivals will be held all around the country. To talk about Indian culture, our guest today is His Highness Dr. Karan Singh, President of the Indian Council of Cultural Relations.


Inflaming Public Opinion

Further evidence that President Obama is prepared to take some political heat at home in order to improve America’s standing abroad comes in the form of his decision on torture photos.


Clinton Remaining Loyal to Obama Administration

One area on which Clinton is putting her own stamp is public diplomacy, the art of presenting truthful information about America to audiences around the world.


Harvard Professor Praises China’s Soft Power

The Center for Strategic and International Studies, a US think tank, recently released a report on China's soft power. Soft power is obtaining what you want through co-option and attraction rather than coercion and payment.



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