A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Sarkozy Presides Over Louvre Abu Dhabi Groundbreaking while Launching French Military Base

From the days of the monarchy, France has very deliberately made culture a partner in its foreign policy. President Nicolas Sarkozy took part in the groundbreaking ceremony for the Louvre Abu Dhabi on the occasion of his visit to inaugurate a new French military base in the UAE capital on 27 May. The museum project also benefited from the attention of Gulf heads of state coming to Abu Dhabi for the security conference chaired by the French president on 25 and 26 May.


Keynote Address and Town Hall Meeting At Plenary Session of Foreign Affairs Day

It’s also important that we expand our connections beyond government-to-government. I’ve encouraged our Foreign Service and Civil Service professionals to think of new ways to connect with people, with NGOs, with businesses. We’ve done that, but now we have new tools that we have to employ – the social networking tools, the media. We have to get smarter with public diplomacy.


Meet the woman behind Brand Obama

With her direct access to the Obamas and unparalleled connections to White House staff, as well as Washington and Chicago power-brokers, Rogers is considered by many to be the key to Brand Obama. She stands at the centre of the careful marketing of the family and an administration-wide effort to make the White House appear a hip and accessible abode.


Good people, impossible mission

A NEW joke is doing the rounds in Nigeria. Got a problem with your car, or your generator’s stopped working? Don’t fix it! Rebrand it! The grim humour reflects scepticism about a national rebranding campaign launched by the government to bring tourists and foreign investment to Nigeria, and generally to buff up the country’s image.


Poverty Re-viewed in a Major LSE Photography Exhibition and Event Series

A major new photographic exhibition and public events series exploring poverty and its portrayal in five global cities is being launched at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), providing an important new perspective and challenging perceptions of ‘the poor’..."The exhibition, Viewing Restricted: [re]presenting poverty, is accompanied by a public event series at LSE that will investigate changing ways of picturing the world and the implications for NGOs, policy makers, artists, the media, and ‘poor people’ themselves.


Two Brooklyn Troupes to Engage in Diplomacy Through Dance

Officials hope to use culture and art to improve America's image by sending the dancers to countries - such as Venezuela, Nigeria and Brazil - where its reputation has suffered in recent years. "[Art] transcends language. It transcends politics," said Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Alina Romanowksi. "The people who [come to see] the artists in many cases have never met Americans. ...


Planet Holbrooke And Envoy Nation

Holbrooke exemplifies the degree to which Obama's special envoys operate in a parallel diplomatic network...Holbrooke seems to be operating somewhat independently of the department apparatus altogether.


Dancing Towards Diplomacy

The U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA), in partnership with Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM), announced the launch of DanceMotion USAsm, an initiative that hopes to share America’s dance culture with the world. Dance companies from all over the U.S. will tour Africa, Asia and South America in a bid to deepen dialogue and exchange with foreign audiences.



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