A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Loosening of Cuba Embargo Could Mean Huge Possibilities For U.S. Businesses

The policy shift could lead to telecom deals and more air travel, among other opportunities. The degree of access that Cuba will offer, however, is still in question..."This is a big deal; it's a significant change in U.S. policy," said former Ambassador David A. Gross, the U.S. coordinator for international communications and information policy and a partner at law firm Wiley Rein.


Kenya Has No Option But To Market Itself Abroad

Contrary to popular perception, tourism is only one of several areas that any nation needs to develop, and only one of the sectors that can benefit from country branding. A country with beautiful wildlife can also be a safe place to invest in, if relevant infrastructure is in place and the rule of law is firmly established.


President Obama Reaches Out to Cuba Before Summit

Clearing the way for a new era of U.S.-Latin American relations, President Barack Obama on Monday lifted all limits on Cuban-Americans who want to visit and send money to their families in Cuba.


Bias Found in VOA Broadcasts to Iran

A State Department investigation has found serious flaws in Voice of America (VOA) broadcasts for Iran, including charges of political bias and cronyism and a management that doesn't understand Farsi, the language of Iran.


Azerbaijani MPs to Visit Turkey

A group of women parliamentarians from Azerbaijan Parliament will visit Turkey tomorrow in a bid to boost relations between Turkey and Azerbaijan.


New Zealand Artist Displays Potential of Generosity

The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy says its field is as old as explorers and traveling merchants. For virtually every embassy in Seoul, people to people exchange is one of the cornerstones in forging strong relations between two countries. A case in point would be local artist Jin Lee who moved to New Zealand in the late 1990s to explore her passion, the ancient art of stone carving.


The Arab-Latin Doha Summit: Summit of the Weak or the Powerful?

The Doha summit gathered together developed leftist countries that came to power through ballot boxes. They nationalized their natural resources, putting an end to the US and European companies that dominated their resources, and escaped from US control and dominance. In addition to these countries, the summit gathered Arab countries that came to power through military coups and nepotism.


China’s Battles Go Global

This new Chinese year is expected to see its share of movements and struggles, many of which will again carry international implications to the point that the lines distinguishing domestic and foreign are blurred. In an evolving global civil society, we are each called upon to choose sides. A decision to sign a petition or join a protest, as well as a choice to be a passive bystander, effects not only the lives of millions of Chinese, but shapes the kind of global civil society we live in.



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