A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

China To Spend Billions To Boost Media Credibility

China is reportedly to invest 20 billion yuan to build a powerful media network, in a move to get its message across to the outside world. "It is natural for China to do so. The current struggle between East and West is mainly for the right to be heard," said Huang Youyi, vice president of China International Publishing Group, on the sidelines of the annual session of the CPPCC.


Networked Leaders

In an environment of mobile phones, computers, and Web sites such as MySpace, Facebook, and LinkedIn, it is commonplace to say that we live in a networked world. But different networks provide new forms of power, and require different styles of leadership. Barack Obama understands this; indeed, it helped to secure his victory.


How Pushkin’s Literary Works Can Help Strengthen Russian-Ethiopian Relations

The Russkiy Mir Foundation of Russia is cooperating with the Ethiopian authorities to translate from Russian into Amharic some of the selected novels and other literary works by Aleksandr Sergeyevich Pushkin that would further help to strengthen and promote cultural relations between Russia and Ethiopia, Elias Ashebir Amare, Counsellor at the Ethiopian embassy in Moscow told APA on Tuesday.


Branding A City Based on Cultural USP

As the competition for global investments and consumer spending gets fiercer each year with countries vying with each other for their share of the pie, they are becoming conscious of the fact that they need to define their unique selling point (USP). Defining one's USP and standing out from the crowd are becoming even more important in the present economic climate.


Analysis: Iran Faces Shift In Strategy From Moderate Arabs

America, Javedanfar argues, should try diplomacy for now, increase intelligence cooperation and adopt a comprehensive, ambitious public diplomacy campaign against Iran's nuclear program that does not rely on military threats. He added that the US could utilize an approach that strongly highlights the benefits of cooperating with the International Atomic Energy Agency and ending Iran's isolation.


Iran’s Anti-Israel Rhetoric Targets Arabs

Iran's anti-Israel rhetoric and support for Hamas and Hezbollah has been a successful exercise in public diplomacy in the Arab world, according to Seifzadeh. In an interview with Inter Press Service, he said, "The whole image of Iran in the Middle East has changed. Ten years ago, Iran was regarded simply as a Shi'ite state."


Turkish-American “Strategic Partnership”: On the Way to Rejuvenation?

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's visit to Ankara on Saturday, the highest-level direct contact between the administration of President Barack Obama and the Turkish government so far, highlighted the value each side places on sustaining the Turkish-American partnership.


US Creates Diplomacy Game

The United States State Department is attempting to improve its image in the Middle East with the creation of a cell phone game called X-Life. Costing about US$415,000, the game aims to help people improve their English and learn about the US. "It is just one small part of our outreach," said Tim Receveur of the State Department's Bureau of International Information Programs. According to a report on CNN on Monday, the game is free and was rolled out last week.



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