A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Sports Fan Rice to be at Olympics Closing Ceremony

U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice hopes to watch some of the competition in the final days of Beijing's Olympic Games before attending the closing ceremony next month, her spokesman said on Thursday.


China: Uighurs plotted ‘holy war’

Five ethnic Uighur men shot and killed in a police raid in China's western Xinjiang province were part of a group plotting a "holy war", Chinese state media has said, less than a month before the Beijing Olympics open. The five were killed in a raid on Tuesday in an apartment in the city of Urumqi, Xinjiang's regional capital.


Army Sharpshooters Have Olympic Medals in Their Sights

The Army Marksmanship Unit, established in 1956 to serve as a symbol of America’s military prowess during the cold war, continues today as a public-relations and recruiting tool. Its members have won 21 Olympic medals.


UK to boost impact through ‘public diplomacy’

For centuries, the job of a diplomat has often been seen as one in which an envoy from one state does the best he can to influence decision-makers in the country to which he or she is posted. But in recent months, the British foreign office has been putting an increasing focus on what is called “public diplomacy” – the job of ambassadors and envoys to influence not just elites but swathes of public opinion in the nations where they serve.


Beijing’s Olympics Public Relations

When Beijing was awarded the host of the 2008 Olympics on July 13, 2001, the joyful Chinese didn’t expect that their road to the summer of 2008 would be so bumpy. This summer game has been politicized from very beginning.


Israeli cinema embraces new identities

Israeli cinema has been captivating Paris audiences, especially with the release of two films that made their debuts in Cannes..."Israeli cinema used to portray us the way foreigners perceived us...We were dominated by Europe. But our culture is a Middle Eastern culture: the day that Israel stopped rejecting this cultural inheritance, Israel became a more natural place."


US adopts ‘more realistic’ public diplomacy in war on terror

In the war against terrorism, the U.S. public diplomacy had been based for years on the vague objective of "winning hearts and minds of people" in Muslim countries. But under the management of former journalist and publisher James Glassman, who last month took over as Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, Washington is moving toward a more modest and realistic approach in dealing with Muslim societies throughout the world.


Amid US-Iran tensions, sports diplomacy triumphs

Even as the world debates whether the US and Iran will go to war, the two are preparing for a series of friendly basketball and soccer tournaments, signalling warming people-to-people ties.



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