A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Africa: Africom Is Historic Step in U.S.-Africa Relationship

Anyaso, a career public diplomacy official who served as a member of the AFRICOM planning and implementation team, said she and her fellow team members all believe that AFRICOM is "history in the making." Additionally, she emphasized that the State Department "strongly supports" AFRICOM.


Did Jimmy Carter Violate the Logan Act?

I offer an hypothesis for the bitter quality of this interchange: Depending on who is correct, Mr. Carter may have broken federal law by his personal diplomacy with Hamas. In particular, Mr. Carter may have violated the Logan Act by meeting with leaders of Hamas after the State Department told him not to.


AFRICOM Is Historic Step in U.S.-Africa Relationship

Claudia Anyaso, director of the Office of Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs for Africa at the State Department, makes the point that AFRICOM, is “history in the making” and, like the creation of the Africa Bureau at the U.S. Department of State 50 years ago, it is a vital step in an ever closer relationship between the United States and Africa.


Think Again: The Peace Corps

The Peace Corps was created as a separate, independent agency so that it would not be subject to short-term foreign-policy objectives. Volunteers aren’t trained or expected to represent the U.S. government, its positions, or its interests. When the Peace Corps is characterized as an effective diplomatic weapon, it is thanks to the goodwill that volunteers generate toward the American people, not toward official U.S. policy.


An Overview of AFRICOM: A Unified Combatant Command

The text of Ms. Anyaso's speech at the WIIS-US Army War College AFRICOM Conference.


Awakening the dragon

So far, despite the protests, no change in China's harsh grip on Tibet is in prospect - or in the Communist party's overall policy outlook. But Chinese officials say they are working on ways to improve their image through better public diplomacy.


No Friends of the Earth

Before and after Bali, the environmental movement had hundreds of groups moving in hundreds of different directions - virtually none of them seeking grassroots support. In the battle against global warming, environmental groups don't really seem interested in grassroots support. Rather, they have something far more powerful on their side: the United Nations.


A moral imperative

What's not in doubt is that the lack of moral clarity has become a major issue threatening American national security interests. Let's make no mistake — the refugees and their suffering will be used by both their government and regional powers to stoke anti-Americanism. That's why the United States — if determined to succeed in the region — needs to be far more aggressive on how it uses its soft power.



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