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Former CPD Dissertation award recipient Stanislav Budnitsky discusses Russia's new COVID-19 vaccine in the context of Russia's quest for technological advancement and international standing

Soviet postage featuring Sputnik, 1967

Stanislav Budnitsky on Russia's latest move in the "information race."

The world of exchange diplomacy could learn a lot from this small initiative gone big.

Putin is known for the love of strong language and a questionable, if not inappropriate, sense of humor. This has not changed over his nearly 15 years in power. Russia’s head of state ascended to the presidency in 1999-2000 famously promising to “waste terrorists in the out house, ” and most recently dismissed Assad’s chemical attack claims as “utter nonsense,” raising some eyebrows in the West.

British PR consultants talk Russia into battling “anti-Russian propaganda” in the UK – and paying them for it

Writing from Ottawa, the author discusses the soft power benefits of the Russian-led KHL.

Just over two decades after Joseph Nye coined the term “soft power”, Russia is set to officially introduce the phrase into its foreign policy vocabulary at the highest echelon. It was recently announced that, starting in 2013, Russia will jump on to the soft power bandwagon by making the highly demanded concept the focal instrument of its new foreign policy strategy. The development, in keeping with the rich traditions of Russian theater, unfolded in three key acts.

Act I