A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

King, Obama reaffirm Jordan-US partnership, urge quick Mideast talks

His Majesty King Abdullah and US President Barack Obama on Monday reaffirmed the Jordanian-US partnership in talks that focused on means to strengthen bilateral relations and cooperation in the areas of education, science, culture and entrepreneurship.

Tags: united states, jordan

Strengthened cooperation, innovation vital in fighting crime – Ban

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today called for strengthened global cooperation and more innovation in the battle against organized crime, including the emerging danger of cyber-crime, warning that it threatened world peace, security and vital economic development.

Tags: united nations

Confidential document reveals Obama’s hardline US climate talk strategy

This is the clearest signal that the US will refuse to negotiate on separate elements of the controversial accord, but intends to push it through the UN process as a single "take it or leave it" text.

Tags: united states, climate change

Don’t Shoot the Messenger!

In a week of tragic accidents, the WikiLeaks story may be the toughest one to bear, horrifying both for what it showed about the current state of war and what it says about the current state of our media environment.

Tags: iraq

Can Obama erase ‘Bush nostalgia’ in the Middle East?

Obama has reverted to Clinton-era policies in the Middle East. But Arab reformers are nostalgic for something more like Bush's "freedom agenda," which helped usher in a promising moment for Arab reform.

Tags: united states, middle east

All Public Diplomacy Should Be Local

I think the saying "all politics is local" applies as much to the successful conduct of public diplomacy as to the campaign for Maricopa County Clerk. This is my conclusion after serving over 27 years as a Foreign Service Officer...

Tags: united states

Will the U.S. commit to free trade with South Korea?

In a world of dangerously failed states and willful challengers to American leadership, South Korea is an astoundingly successful democracy that wants to be friends. But will America say yes?

Tags: united states, south korea

Diplomats for hire

Independent Diplomat is a non-profit organization offering freelance diplomatic services to the breakaway regions, unrecognized states, governments-in-exile and island micro-nations that would otherwise struggle to make their voices heard...

Tags: non-state pd


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