A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Google vs China: the endgame

Although the dispute between the Chinese government and Google continues to evolve, there were signs at the beginning of April that a ceasefire may be taking hold, one that could allow both sides to plausibly claim victory.

Tags: china, corporate diplomacy, google

Hillary Clinton Pitches Art for New Embassies

One of the biggest construction booms ever is taking place under the State Department's guidance and now Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is seeking help in decorating some of those 38 new embassies and other offices with art that helps tell the American story.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, hillary clinton, us department of state

Australia Launches New Online Network To Protect Indigenous Rights

A new website was launched yesterday to bring together human rights advocates in an online network to share advice and best practice, and provide a one-stop-shop for information on international human rights treaties relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Tags: new technology, australia

Spotlight on Human Trafficking Before World Cup in South Africa

As South Africa prepares to host the FIFA 2010 World Cup, international organizations and local non-governmental organizations are warning the event will bring with it a huge increase in human trafficking. But a recent study indicates that while the problem is severe it may not be as extensive as has been suggested.

Tags: non-state pd, south africa, fifa world cup

After Lisbon: The state of the Union

It is probably in the area of foreign policy that Europeans have the highest expectations of the Lisbon Treaty. They expect a European Union that is capable of speaking with one voice on the major international issues that concern them directly.

Tags: european union

The Russian Bear Comes Out of Hibernation in the Western Hemisphere

Coupled with a visit on Thursday to Argentina and then to Brazil by President Dmitri Medvedev, Russia is raising its profile in the Western Hemisphere, waking up from its self-imposed post-Cold War hibernation to expand its regional ties.

Tags: russia, latin america

Korea will host nuclear security summit in 2012

Another senior presidential aide emphasized the symbolic significance of South Korea's hosting of the event. "South Korea is directly involved in North Korea's nuclear crisis," said the official. "The idea of a nuclear-free Korean Peninsula can serve as a starting point of a nuclear-free Earth."

Tags: united states, south korea

The Pakistan Problem

Those who accuse Barack Obama of cold-shouldering Britain and stiff-arming Israel might find his choice of a country to shower with praise somewhat perplexing.

Tags: united states, india, pakistan


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