A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

German design exhibition comes to India, courtesy NID

The National Institute of Design (NID) is all geared up to host the German design exhibition ‘Ulm: Method and design I Ulm School of Design’, brought to India for the first time. It will be held from January 18 to February 12. Apart from the exhibition, the institute will also host few German Design films, lectures and panel discussions on the subject.


On Pak, Govt must not blink

India could certainly do with more visits by Pakistani cricketers, musicians, artists, novelists and others who are genuinely committed to cross-border amity. There is even a case for unilaterally allowing more Pakistani traders to sell their fruits, carpets and shoes to access the Indian market without expecting reciprocity. If this is what is meant by ‘peace’, India should be prepared to go the extra mile.


Commissioning of Antarctic Wind Farm

The Antarctic Treaty has continued to serve as a model of successful international cooperation.

Tags: science diplomacy

Singapore And France To Develop Nanotechnology And Information Communication Science Technologies

Singapore’s Agency for Science, Technology and Research and the French National Research Agency announced today the first bilateral Joint Call for Proposals (JCP) in the areas of Nanotechnology and Information Communication Science & Technologies.

Tags: science diplomacy

Difficult road ahead for Turkish Foreign Ministry restructuring

Turkey’s domestic and foreign policies have increasingly shifted from using instruments of hard power to those of soft power, opening a new era in Turkey where “diplomacy comes first” in the resolution of disputes.


Reflections on Joseph Nye’s visit to Vietnam

Following his two-day visit to Vietnam, the leading American foreign policy thinker has left a key message: A country can increase its soft power by enhancing the trust of partners through legitimacy in its policies.


Extreme makeovers in Iraq

American officers use Iraqi contractors and often partner with aid organizations in hopes of stimulating the local economy and dissuading unemployed Iraqis from joining the insurgency. The Pentagon expects to spend $200 million in the 2010 fiscal year on the Commander’s Emergency Response Program. Battalion commanders hail the program as a way to exercise “soft power,” or nonlethal influence.


‘A TV series is not only a TV series,’ diplomatic crisis show

Stressing that the role of public diplomacy is rising with every passing day in this multi-polar world, Turkish-Asian Center for Strategic Studies (TASAM) President Süleyman Şensoy said TV series were important tools of this sort of diplomacy.



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