A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Russia-India ties sour in Central Asia

Unsound strategy, mutual mistrust and opportunism are combining to frustrate the efforts of Moscow and India to blunt China's soft-power push into Russia's "near beyond" - the oil and gas-rich former Soviet republics that line the path of the ancient Silk Road from the Caspian Sea to China's doorstep at Xinjiang province.


European Pipe Dreams Meet Chinese Pipelines

Strategic competitors like China are thinking bigger, acting bolder, and investing in places like Turkmenistan on a vastly greater scale. If Europe continues to dither, it might soon find that China has gained a decisive advantage in Central Asia.


America is losing the free world

Ever since 1945, the US has regarded itself as the leader of the “free world”. But the Obama administration is facing an unexpected and unwelcome development in global politics. Four of the biggest and most strategically important democracies in the developing world – Brazil, India, South Africa and Turkey – are increasingly at odds with American foreign policy.


A touch of blarney in Mexico

With pints of thick black Guinness passing over a dark wooden bar, the Pogues’ Christmas melody blasting out of speakers and revelers noshing on bangers and mash, the pub feels like it could be in downtown Dublin — or even Southie in Boston. But this drinking hole sits in the heart of Mexico City.


European delegation cancels planned trip to Iran

An 11-person delegation from the European Union will not visit Iran this week as planned, due to the tension and uncertainty surrounding the continued violence there... The decision is being seen among many as a sign that even the left of the European Iran-watching community is now coming to the realization that engagement of the Iranian regime is not palatable now...


South Korea Renews Offer of Liaison Offices

President Lee Myung-bak renewed a proposal Monday that South and North Korea open liaison offices in each other's capitals to facilitate dialogue. Such offices would be the first standing channel of official contact between the governments... North Korea did not immediately respond to Mr. Lee’s offer.


Yemen instability poses a ‘global threat’, says Clinton

She said the Yemeni government had to take measures to restore stability or risk losing Western support. The US embassy, closed after threats from a regional al-Qaeda offshoot, would reopen when "conditions permit". The UK and France have also shut their embassies.


New Dynamics in Science, Technology Between Korea, Brazil

The Brazilian Agricultural Research Organization, or Embrapa, has set up its first office in Asia to increase scientific and technological ties.

Tags: science diplomacy


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