A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

U.S. must lead, show intiative on climate

As the U.N. Climate Conference continues, there are high hopes from the general public, as well as from smaller nations, that this conference will produce real results in cutting carbon emissions. The future existence of countries such as the Maldives literally depends upon it. However, the world is in no way ready to take on the job of instituting global reductions of greenhouse gasses.


Obama’s Foreign Engagement Scorecard

If there is a one-word handle that fits the conduct of foreign relations in Barack Obama’s first year as president, it is “engagement.” The Obama administration has engaged with Iran, Russia, Burma, Sudan, North Korea. “Engagement” sounds harmless — something any sensible administration would do. But what, in fact, does President Obama have to show for “engagement” itself?


Despite large debts, UAE invests heavily in Iraq’s Kurdistan Region

Despite taking massive hits in the global recession, for the second year in a row, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is the largest contributor to foreign direct investment in northern Iraq's autonomous Kurdistan Region, according to the region's investment board.


A Road Map for Asian-Pacific Security

This is the second of two Outlooks on the Obama administration's foreign policy approach to Asia. Neither the Clinton nor Bush administrations took full advantage of the growing impetus among the states of the Asia-Pacific region to work through multilateral forums. The Obama administration appears to be following the same pattern.


Yearender: U.S. power diplomacy loses steam in first year

The power diplomacy of the United States has sensed in the past year that the country's diplomatic drive is losing steam to mostly unintended practice leaks and a few intentional policy picks. Some critics and political opponents have already blamed Obama's new foreign policy for contributing nothing meaningful to his country.


Copenhagen diary

The unanimous buzz in the China-watcher camp was about the ramped-up public diplomacy of the Chinese delegation, unique for China at an international conference. Notoriously press-shy Chinese government officials waged an aggressive publicity war at Copenhagen, holding daily press briefings open to all media, speaking and answering questions in English.


Obama’s not-so-new world order: For an Obama doctrine, look to George H. W. Bush

It was a key and decisive moment for the commander in chief. Outlining his intentions to send American servicemen and women overseas to fight an uncertain war, the President defended his war strategy, arguing that the stakes were not just about one country, but "a big idea."


Russia buys a tiny ally: Nauru

The tiny Pacific island nation of Nauru, with its phosphate mines nearly depleted and without any other significant natural resources, has only one thing left to sell: its international reputation. Enter Russia, which is more than happy to buy. That's how Nauru this week became the fourth country to establish formal relations with Abkhazia and South Ossetia.



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