A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

CRDF CEO Campbell Participates in Delegation to DPRK

CRDF's President and CEO, Cathy Campbell, joined a non-governmental delegation led by Nobel Laureate Peter C. Agre, AAAS President, to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) for five days of talks with scientists and science officials.

Tags: science diplomacy

U.S. Diplomacy in the Age of Facebook and Twitter: An Address on 21st Century Statecraft

The current revolution in communications technologies and the emergence of new media platforms are transforming the practice of American foreign policy. Today’s diplomats are seeking ways to exploit new tools such as social media, short message service (SMS), and other mobile applications.


Twinning Agreement in Handicrafts Between Tunisia And EU Penned

The results of a twinning program in the handicrafts sector between Tunisia, France and Spain, were presented Tuesday on the sidelines of a seminar held in Tunis. The program which is part of cooperation with the European Union (EU), aims at modernizing Tunisia's handicrafts sector.


Quiet diplomacy will get our voice heard

I believe that a lot can be achieved with quiet diplomacy. We need people who can listen as well as talk, and who can work behind the scenes as well as in the glare of the spotlight. What we also need is concerted action to achieve our goals.


U.S. and Pakistan Need a Big Idea

by working together, Washington and Islamabad could gain benefits that they would not achieve alone. But instead of cooperating, they have been trading resentful messages over the past month in which the United States requested Pakistan's help in closing Taliban havens and Pakistan responded, in effect, "Don't tell us what to do."


Turning away-Obama should take heed: The public wants less U.S. involvement in world affairs

Mr. Obama campaigned on a pledge to renew American global leadership by emphasizing diplomacy and working with other countries to solve common problems. However, Americans today are less convinced of the need for U.S. leadership and the wisdom of multilateralism.


Clinton: U.S. Ready to Join Climate-Aid Fund

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Thursday proposed that major economies including the U.S. come up with $100 billion a year over the next decade for developing nations to fight climate change, an eleventh hour effort to break an impasse here on climate-change talks.


Germany Pledges Funding for Auschwitz Endowment

Germany will contribute $87.2 million to a new endowment for the Auschwitz memorial in Poland, half the money preservationists say they need for upkeep and repairs at the site of the Nazi's most notorious concentration camp... Germany is the first country to commit to the project.



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