A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

The Great Satan Myth

The Iranian regime has never found itself more vulnerable. And, with this vulnerability, it has never leaned more heavily on its own narrative of history. This narrative, of course, has a central antagonist, a character conjured as the "Great Satan"...It is worth revisiting this history, not simply because it debunks the Manichaean theory of the past touted by the mullahs, but also because it contains important lessons for how the United States can navigate the current crisis in Iran.


Cultural diplomacy in mind, India plans 15 centres in 2 years

Hoping to take bharatnatyam and yoga to places they have never been, India is planning to come up with at least eight new cultural centres in different parts of the world to use its soft power to spread its influence in regions of interest. With cultural diplomacy high on agenda, India opened new cultural centres this year in as many as seven country capitals, including Kathmandu, Kabul and Tokyo.


President: Make 21st Century “Soft Power” Era

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said Asia should make the 21st century a “soft power” era to create a difference in the region..."If we make the 21st century a soft power era, we will be able to realize a different Asia," the head of state said. Explaing what he meant by "a different Asia", the president said Asia should be full of tolerance and partnership networks, peace and prosperity, and be the axis of global development. "In light of all this, Asian parliaments play the most strategic role," the president said.


US signaling

Mercifully, American public diplomacy can also get things right on occasion. On Sunday, US Secretary of Defence Robert Gates said: "Well, we don't know for a fact where Osama bin Laden is. If we did, we’d go after him." More importantly, from a Pakistani perspective, Mr Gates also acknowledged that intelligence-sharing was not necessarily the problem between the US and Pakistan.


Best Performance in a Farce

The Obama administration has treated the rest of us to an elaborate, Oscar-worthy performance of how to act in charge from the back seat of a car. In other words, instead of approving the tens of thousands more in reinforcements military leaders said they needed to win right away, the president spent most of 2009 trying to look deliberative and in charge – and pleasing no one. Turns out the escalation was hardwired from the beginning. He’ll do what the military wanted all along.


Peres to promote peace via YouTube

Anyone who wants to make an impact these days uses YouTube as a vehicle, so on Tuesday morning Peres officially launched his own YouTube platform, together with YouTube cofounder and Chief Executive Officer Chad Hurley, who was here especially for the occasion. It will not come as a surprise to any Peres watcher that the initial broadcast by the president will be peace-oriented.


Finally, US leads on environment

In a critical demonstration of backbone on global warming, the Obama administration yesterday declared carbon dioxide a dangerous pollutant. Saying the country “will not ignore science and the law any longer,’’ Lisa Jackson, the administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, said her findings and declaration “cement 2009’s place in history as the year when the United States government began addressing the challenge of greenhouse gas pollution.’’


India, China to expand cultural ties

Aiming to augment people-to-people relations, India and China will showcase their culture in each other's land, holding major cultural festivals next year devoted to traditional and contemporary arts. The year 2010 will see the two countries engage in a major cultural exchange programme, with India hosting Chinese artists and China reciprocating by doing the same for Indians.



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