A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

PM promotes links with France ahead of anniversary

Prime Minister Stephen Harper praised the shared values of Canada and France Wednesday, on the eve of celebrations marking the 400th anniversary of Quebec City.


‘Iranians Love the West’: An Interview With Omid Memarian

I belong to the young generation of journalists in Iran who strongly believe that they can change the society by their efforts through the media, civil society organizations, and also political activities.


China’s Inside Game

What the International Olympic Committee and the rest of the world don’t realize is how little China cares what they think. Here in Beijing, the Olympic Games are primarily for domestic consumption, justifying the government’s new global power to its own people.


Name game grounds cross-strait ties

The opening of direct flights across the Taiwan Strait this week will mark a breakthrough in once-stagnant relations between China and Taiwan. But although the flights, and the arrival of Chinese tourist dollars, will be a welcome uptick for economic ties, the two cross-strait rivals remain politically deadlocked in a diplomatic war of words.


US Dept of State hosts EC [Eastern Caribbean] press secretaries

Press Secretary to the prime minister of St. Kitts/Nevis Erasmus Williams was among press secretaries from the Eastern Caribbean, who attended an International Visitor Leadership Programme in Washington, D.C., in June.


The limits of soft power

Sometime after 9/11 -- when Americans were agonizing about the question "Why do they hate us?" -- the term "soft power" started to be bandied about...Weapons of advocacy can only be as effective as the foreign policy they represent. What the world wants to see is a United States that cares deeply about wanting to be a team player and that, aware of its power, it wields it carefully.


Want democracy in Iraq? Culture matters

Surely past and present Bush advisers such as Paul Wolfowitz and Condoleezza Rice have read Alexis de Tocqueville's classic "Democracy in America." But they – and Senator McCain – must have forgotten its overriding lesson: When it comes to the viability of democracy, more than anything else, culture matters.


Secret Ways To See The Olympics

Interested in attending the Olympics but didn't plan ahead? You may be in luck--especially if you're a corporate big shot with a private jet and more than $40,000 to burn on you and your loved one



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