A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Obama Win Offers Brand America a Global Lift: Frederick Kempe

Reputation, a matter of the most enormous value for companies and individuals alike, is hard to establish but easy to lose. The same is true of countries...The U.S. has spent billions on public diplomacy trying to fix the problem, but marketing works best when in alignment with changed facts.


Janet McAllister: Why I love America

I have a confession to make: I love America. I boycott Starbucks, don't buy jeans, protest the Iraq war, avoid watching reality TV - and yet, life without the USA is almost unthinkable.


Costs of War: Flying unfriendly skies

A survey of more than 2,000 long-haul international travelers from 16 countries around the world...found the US was ranked the least traveler-friendly destination "in terms of obtaining necessary documents or visas, and having immigration officials who are respectful toward foreign visitors...By deterring visitors, the US is missing an enormous opportunity - not just economically, but in public diplomacy terms, too.


Among Africans Surveyed, Few Have Heard of Africom

Africom, the U.S. military command dedicated solely to Africa, is slated to become operational in October. Yet, Gallup Polls reveal that most Africans surveyed have never heard of Africom.


Spreading the Word About Our Nation

Diplomatic missions to other countries often operate under strict guidelines imposed by the host nations. Some U.S. diplomats actually have been thrown out of other countries after being charged with spreading what was viewed as American "propaganda."


Partnership and Diversity: A New Strategy for the British Council in Europe

The British Council, the UK’s international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities, has recently had its funding in Europe cut by about a third, and its resources have been redirected to focus more on Asia and the Middle East. At its new Berlin offices in Alexanderplatz last week, Dr. Herbert Grieshop and Guido Jansen gave a presentation on the British Council’s new position and strategy in Europe as a result of this restructuring.


Adamkus received letters of credence from ambassador of Japan

President Valdas Adamkus congratulated the first Japanese ambassador, residing in Lithuania. At the credentials ceremony, the President recalled the visit by Their Majesties the Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko of Japan to Lithuania last spring which left a deep imprint in the hearts of the people of Lithuania.


Caribbean leader

Socked with rising food and fuel prices and airline cutbacks, Caribbean leaders are scrambling to find a way to keep their tourism-dependent economies afloat...Coming together for the second time in 10 days, leaders from the mostly English-speaking 15-member Caribbean Community (CARICOM) regional bloc will devote Wednesday to just one topic: tourism.



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