Middle East

Will Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic, NATO's first female Assistant Secretary General nab Croatia's top position?

On December 16, CPD Director Jay Wang and special guest Richard Wike, Director of Pew Global Attitudes Research discussed CPD and Pew's collaboration on global youth perceptions of the United States with the USC Annenberg Alumni in Washington, D.C. 

How does the millennial generation see the world around them? How do their views differ from their elders? And what kind of impact will these perceptions have on the future of public diplomacy and international relations?

Join Jay Wang, CPD Director and Richard Wike, Director of Pew Global Attitudes Project, for a timely discussion that will focus on global youth perceptions of American and the many implications for U.S. public diplomacy.

The Pew Research Center's results are in and they are (literally) all over the map.


CPD hosted a one-day symposium on this topic at USC with Professor Karin Wilkins and Dr. James Pamment
