
The USC Center on Public Diplomacy is pleased to be co-recipient of a generous project grant from the Henry Luce Foundation.

Tabulating the results from the most heavily-voted video streaming poll ever on, combined with votes by its illustrious VIP Jury and ThinkTank, FYI - FILM YOUR ISSUE today announced the five winners of the unprecedented national competition for 30-to-60 "issue films" from all U.S. residents 18 to 26 years old.

CPD is pleased to share with its readers the speech by Quincy Jones on Cultural Diplomacy, delivered in Beijing, China on May 26, 2006.

PeaceMaker took First Place in the First Games and Public Diplomacy Contest! All four finalists demonstrated their games for the esteemed panelists and in house audience at the awards ceremony. The event was simulcast in Second Life, where the attendance on Annenberg Island exceeded that at USC's Davidson Center.

Stephen Seche, Deputy Chief of Mission at the U.S. Embassy in Damascus, Syria, is the new State Department Diplomat-in-Residence at the USC Center on Public Diplomacy. Seche will teach a fall semester course in the school’s new public diplomacy master’s program and advise graduate students interested in pursuing careers in foreign service.

Doctorow, who edits the widely read culture and technology blog site Boing Boing, will be the first to hold the Canada-U.S. Fulbright Visiting Research Chair in Public Diplomacy.

March 1, 2006

The USC Center on Public Diplomacy is proud to present FYI - Film Your Issue, an unprecedented "issue film" competition inviting young Americans to add their voice to the public dialogue on contemporary issues via 30-to-60 second films.

The Edward R. Murrow Journalism Fellows Program — a partnership among the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, the Aspen Institute, and six American universities — will invite 100 international media professionals to spend time at leading journalism schools in the United States, honing their skills, sharing ideas, and gaining first-hand understanding of American society and democratic institutions. The goal is to not only inform the fellows about the United States, but also to promote journalistic freedom and excellence around the world.
