
Chinese president Hu Jintao on Thursday pledged African governments 20 billion in credit over the next three years and called for more China-Africa coordination international affairs to defend against the "bullying" of richer powers.

The episode was a reminder not only of the prevalence of the internet even in the world’s failed states, but, more importantly, it underscored how social media might be used as a tool in the conduct of international wars – or in the pursuit of peace.

Kevin Wang, another student said: "I can't imagine that I can fly 26 hours through half earth to The Gambia, and interact with students. The whole Africa is a secret and strange place to us. I'm looking forward to experience local culture and different lifestyle. I hope we can show them Taiwanese culture during the two weeks, and be friends even after this activity is over."

Culture can play an integral part in promoting the realisation of the vision of the East African Community through cultural dialogue. If more cross-country cultural events are held in the five member states on a rotating basis, citizens from these nations will better understand each other's cultures and integration will be easier.

The International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in Africa will offer perspectives on how cultural diplomacy policies can assist in strengthening existing and future sustainable development policies and, in particular, how cultural diplomacy practices are necessary to express and mediate the rationale behind investment in sustainable development during this challenging period.

he U.S. Government is committed to expanding trade and investment in sub-Saharan Africa and the numbers show our commitment. U.S. trade to and from Africa has grown significantly in the past ten years.

New Delhi, Jun 26 (IANS): The cultural cooperation between India and Africa is moving beyond traditional exchanges to focus on education and capacity building initiatives which can become "a part of the national idiom", says Suresh Goel, director general of the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR).

Instead of chasing quick wins in the contest for hearts and minds, China should simply conduct itself in a way that speaks to the values that its new superhero is said to promote
