
When the activists from Hong Kong, Macau and mainland China landed on the Diaoyu Islands recently, TV cameras shot bird's-eye views from helicopters. Two journalists from Phoenix TV were among those arrested and later released by Japanese police, all in front of the cameras.

Germany and China have been cultivating a brisk exchange, and since last year, have held joint government consultations. The current meeting takes place in the midst of major personnel changes in Beijing.

Strategic mutual trust and national feelings between China and Japan have been strained, and think tanks from both nations on Wednesday called for a crisis management mechanism to cool down the heated bilateral spats.

Former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger attended a reception at the Chinese consulate in New York to commemorate the 40th anniversary of "Ping Pong Diplomacy," which helped put China-U.S. relations back on track.

While each Confucius Institute is slightly different, most help promote Chinese language through instructional courses and classroom programs while also helping educate people about Chinese culture. “I think any promotion of Chinese language and culture and awareness among the public obviously helps people in the United States to understand a globalized world,” Cai said.

Relations between Germany and China have progressed well beyond the phase of 'panda diplomacy.'...The most visible expression of this close relationship is the Sino-German government consultations. Germany only maintains such close exchanges with six other countries – all of them European Union members.

Telling them Australia is jolly friendly to Asia, close to it, wants to be a part of it, has a nice safe lifestyle -- that's not enough. We should be hard-nosed about the career advantages to be gained from our courses: they all get that. But as for the soft power stuff, we should try harder to stay with the big players in that league.

The University Student Arts and Cultural Exchange Performance will include vocal, instrumental and dance performances from a number of different minority cultural traditions in China...A tap dance will highlight the American dance tradition.
