city diplomacy

A new report examines the emerging landscape of bottom-up global climate governance, stemming from such subnational levels as the State of California.

This Week in PD, we share international news on cultural diplomacy, global development, digital diplomacy and more.

Photo by InfiniteThought via Pixabay
March 8, 2018

Sohaela Amiri discusses cities' expanding roles at the global negotiating table, from climate change, to winning hearts and minds and beyond. 

This Week in PD, we share international news on sports diplomacy, sustainability, city diplomacy and more.

January 30, 2018

As geopolitics and economies shift toward the Pacific Rim, Los Angeles is ideally situated to play a key role in addressing common regional and global challenges.

This Week in PD, we share international news on soft power, sports diplomacy, cultural diplomacy and more.

This Week in PD, we share international news on humanitarian diplomacy, soft power, city diplomacy and more.

A new book looks at how "Game of Thrones," social media and more can cultivate a locale's image.
