cultural exchange

The show at Georgetown University was a first for me, and maybe, according to Waleed Shamil, a first for this country.

Three years ago—back when I was still a carefree cyberutopian—I wrote a short essay on “high-tech diplomacy” for Newsweek. That essay—by far the glibbest text I've ever written—chided American diplomats for not exploiting the immense digital soft power that a company like Amazon had to offer.

The US Mission in Pakistan brought the band from New Orleans, Louisiana to play at events and participate in musical exchanges in Lahore, Karachi, and Islamabad. The band’s visit to Pakistan hopes to answer the call from many Pakistanis to see more American exchanges in the country and promote cultural understanding.

At the beginning of May 2012, students, faculty and alums of Emerson College met with their counterparts in the beachside community of Rosarito, Mexico to commemorate the 5 year ongoing public diplomacy projects in the wake of the drug cartel crisis.

I had an opportunity to visit Ethiopia, Tanzania and Zimbabwe in November 2011. As I traveled from north to south on the African continent, I was able to take a close look at African culture. The trip convinced me that Africa is not a "cultural desert" as some have claimed, but an oasis steeped in culture.

The action film Ranh Gioi Trang Den (Boundary of Black and White), which marks the first co-operation between the Vietnamese and Indonesian film industries, will hit screens on July 6.

In Africa, the relationship between the Dutch business community and Dutch embassies seems to be out of synch. In fact, some Dutch businesspeople are dissatisfied. This became clear at Thursday's seminar organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Netherlands-African Business Council (NABC) in The Hague.

The U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, in partnership with USA Track and Field and the Oregon Track Club, announced that 12 girls and four female coaches from The Bahamas, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, and Trinidad & Tobago will participate in a track and field exchange program in Washington, D.C. and Eugene, Oregon, June 18-28, 2012.
