global aid & development

Asylees, like the 85,000 refugees from around the world arriving in the U.S. each year, must be unable or unwilling to return to their country due to persecution or a well-founded fear of persecution. While refugees are resettled from overseas, asylees are already in the U.S. when they present their claims for protection.

The Global Center for Sport Diplomacy, [...] is focused on using sports to connect people and empower them with confidence, health and wellness, and visibility. "For women and girls in particular, sport can build confidence, and for those with disabilities it can do that and more," Mushett said.

September 18, 2016

This week foreign ministers, ministers of the environment and oceans, along with leaders from the NGO community, private sector, philanthropists, experts from academia, and young people came from near and far, helping call attention of the world to the enormous challenge of protecting our ocean.

World leaders meeting at the United Nations starting on Monday will try to make progress on two intractable problems at the top of the global agenda — the biggest refugee crisis since World War II and the Syrian conflict now in its sixth year, which has claimed over 300,000 lives.

Utah, a spacious state crossed by mountains, valleys and desert, takes in more refugees than some U.S. states with much larger populations. “It’s perfect here,” says Nour Eddin Abdul Bari, who worked as a chef and restaurateur in Damascus before fleeing Syria. He lauds the medical and education services provided for three of his five children with special needs.

September 17, 2016

This week many world leaders came together in New York City for the GODAN Summit to examine progress that has been made and challenges that remain in the global fight to end hunger. The U.S. Department of State’s Special Representative for Global Food Security, Dr. Nancy Stetson, joined the conference to talk about new innovations in food security and the use of data. 

On Sept. 15, film star and environmental activist Leonardo DiCaprio unveiled Global Fishing Watch for the public at the US State Department’s Our Ocean 2016 conference. [...] The goal? Get the public engaged in illegal fishing, which makes up 35 percent of the global wild marine catch, according to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization.

A team of five Chinese doctors has been sent to Tanzania's northwest Kagera region to help save the lives of survivors of the Saturday earthquake which killed 17 people and injured scores of others, said a statement from the Chinese embassy in Dar es Salaam.
