international law

Some 50 legal experts and officials from Asian and African countries, the African Union and the Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization (AALCO) joined a training session on international law in Beijing Monday. Jointly organized by Wuhan University and the Asian Academy of International Law, the third training session of the AALCO Exchange and Research Program on International Law will run till September 24.

The Armenia-Azerbaijan Platform for Peace is a unique platform put forward by human rights activists and representatives of non-governmental organizations and civil society of Armenia and Azerbaijan [...] He noted that for the first time since the beginning of the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, representatives of the Armenian and Azerbaijani civil society have decided to create such a platform.

Today, Afghan refugees in Pakistan are dealt with in an inhuman and undignified manner. Despite holding legal documents, Pakistani authorities raid and humiliate Afghan refugees and jail them. When Pakistan welcomed Afghan refugees, it was because of the huge amount of donor aid that was pouring through Pakistan’s government from international communities and organizations. 

[W]e found that the ICRC tends to issue such statements only after a massacre has already taken place. For instance, when we studied the Bosnian civil war, we examined the timing of the use of force and the public diplomacy in the form of “naming and shaming” the disputants. The ICRC voiced its concerns 13 times, 11 times quite mildly. The ICRC reacts to international humanitarian law abuses. But its public condemnations do not reduce the carnage in the weeks that follow.

President Mamnoon Hussain told diplomats that while acquainting themselves with challenges of the day, they should be ready to face the breaking news culture. He was speaking at the graduation ceremony of the 34th Specialised Diplomatic Course at the Foreign Services Academy (FSA), on Monday. While giving details of the ceremony, a spokesperson said that the president was of the view that diplomats should also show their capability in public and economic diplomacy besides in international law and politics.

The International Organisation for Migration (IOM)predicts there will be somewhere between 25 million and 1 billion people [internally or externally displaced] by the effects of climate change by 2050, with 200 million the closest specific estimate. The fate of these people is a distinctly moral question for developed nations that have contributed the majority of greenhouses gas emissions for decades and continue to do so today. Are those responsible for rising sea levels responsible for those who end up underwater?

The International Court of Justice in The Hague rightly ordered Japan to stop its current whaling program in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary around Antarctica, a large reserve established by the International Whaling Commission. The United Nations’ highest court came down clearly on the side of conservation and international opinion.

Diplomats representing major western powers have strongly condemned human rights violations by South Sudan's government and rebel forces and protested the obstruction of U.N. operations and threats to U.N. personnel in the war-torn country.
