music diplomacy

How country music shapes America's brand status. 

These musicians are a part of the 10 jazz, hip hop and American roots ensembles that have been chosen by The Rhythm Road to travel as cultural ambassadors for the 2011 season. Selected ensembles tour internationally with The Rhythm Road to foster cross-cultural understanding through their music.

April 21, 2011

Sherine B. Walton, Editor-in-Chief
Naomi Leight, Managing Editor
Marissa Cruz-Enriquez, Associate Editor

Conductor and University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music professor Rodney Winther has been honored by the state of Táchira in Venezuela for his contributions to music there.

Country singer Kareem Salama shares his cultural exchange tour experience in the Middle East and talks about his unique upcoming album, City of Lights. Last year the U.S. State Department’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs sponsored a cultural exchange tour for Kareem Salama and his crew in the Middle East.

A new musical group will literally be jazzing things up today at an annual charity performance by Harvard University here. A capella singers Harvard Voxjazz will join the Harvard Krokodiloes, the Radcliffe Pitches and the Harvard Din & Tonics for ‘Harvard in Hamilton For Habitat V’.

Hadag Nahash, came to Manhattan bringing with it music and light, power and politics. The Israeli hip hop/funk band had its audience dancing in the aisles from virtually minute one of its Sunday night performance at Baruch College.
