place branding

Sorting coffee in Lombok

On how Indonesia can take advantage of a delicious export.

Chambre Du Commerce

Explore and contribute to a collection of attractions around the world. 

The time is ripe for governments to start monitoring their digital reputation just as they monitor it in the real world.  [...] But the mistake is to equate nation branding with advertising, which doesn’t work for places. A place with a bad reputation won’t be able to fix it this way. Instead, the place must take strategic action to align its reality with its desired reputation. 

Nicholas Cull, Professor of Public Diplomacy and Director of the USC Master of Public Diplomacy program, explores the interplay of cultural heritage and global engagement at the biannual Venice Biennale of Architecture.

Olof Bergand, head of the Stockholm Program of Place-branding (STOPP) and Guje Sevón, Professor Emerita at Stockholm School of Economics, recently published a paper titled “Food-branding places – A sensory perspective” in which they explore how food is used to brand places. The paper, which was published in the November 2014 issue of Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, touches on topics related to both gastrodiplomacy and nation branding and explores the notion of "sensescapes."
