
A promotional spot for a culture-bending telenovela recently aired on Spanish-language KJLA-TV channel 57. [...] "La Esposa Valiente," or "Xi Li Ren Qi" in Chinese, is the first drama the Taiwanese government has dubbed into Spanish. Thirteen Central and South American countries have aired the show since 2013 as part of an initiative by the Taiwanese government to promote Taiwanese culture.

As for the Colombian cultural presence, the Embassy has been dedicated to promote moments of reflection through artistic joy. [...] as part of the successful programme of the Foreign Ministry through the Directorate of Cultural Affairs and the embassies, called "Colombia Promotion Plan Abroad", that seeks to develop official cultural diplomacy projects.

Spanish is not just a handy language for World Cup referees. In a 2013 report entitled “Languages for the Future”, the British Council cited Spanish as the most important language to learn. It’s not hard to see why: approximately 470 million people speak Spanish as a native language, 60 million as a second language and 20 million students are studying it as a foreign language.

If Garcetti had been speaking French on a diplomatic mission to Paris, he might have been harangued — or even hanged — for his errors. But Mexicans tend not to be such purists, and they have built up decades of tolerance for visitors from El Norte mangling their mother tongue.

With the launch of a Portuguese-language internet edition on Tuesday, EL PAÍS has embarked on what is probably its biggest professional and business venture since the newspaper was founded 37 years ago. The Spanish daily has always had the vision of becoming a global newspaper, something that was proved in March when it launched an Americas edition. Now the Portuguese internet portal, EL PAÍS Brasil, broadens that scope.

An initiative by the Colombian government to teach Spanish to international tour guides is due to start on Monday. The initiative is the result of a collaboration between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; the Presidential Agency for the International Cooperation of Colombia (APC); the Colombian Institution of Educational Credit (ICETEX) as well as eight universities in locations throughout the country.

But the crown prince and princess too are part of the soft power strategy of Spain. That was why they were in New York, part of a quiet tour of the U.S. northeast.... in the party in the Cervantes institute were a select audience susceptible to their brand of royalty: prominent leaders of the Hispanic community in the U.S., an audience well aware of their own historical links to Spain on various levels...

The Embassy of Spain officially launched the Spanish club "Que Pas" at the University of Namibia, last week. Que Pas is an initiative of Spanish students at the university and aims to promote the Spanish language while promoting the exchange of cultural experiences, solidarity, good learning relationships and good bilateral ties between Spain and Namibia.
