united states

July 1, 2010

Having supposedly turned its back definitively on Israel, the EU, and the West in general, it turns out Turkey engaged in talks with . . . Israel and the EU...it's useless to deny the fundamental shifts emerging in Ankara's strategic calculus, both regionally and further abroad.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is embarking on a five-day, five-nation tour of Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus that will test her diplomatic skills in a region that straddles geopolitical fault lines.

June 30, 2010

Grandstanding is not the king’s style. Rather as crown prince and now as ruler, Abdullah has relied on quiet and patient diplomacy to advance the cause not just of the Palestinians but of a greater understanding between the Muslim and Christian worlds.

After months of gridlock, the Senate is finally set to confirm all eight of President Obama's nominees for the Broadcasting Board of Governors, the independent agency that oversees U.S. media efforts abroad, now that Sen. Tom Coburn has agreed to lift his holds on the nominees.

Pakistan and the United States on Wednesday decided to explore the possibilities of enhancing cooperation in the media sector. A meeting to explore the possibilities of enhanced cooperation between the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting and the United States under Pak-US Sectoral Dialogue was held here.

June 30, 2010

The main struggle in the region is partly ideological, between moderate, pro-Western groups and Islamist and jihadi groups, and partly it is a contest for power in the region by Iran, in its effort to diminish American influence. The administration’s view is playing into Iran’s hands.

This partnership will help to increase global awareness of Istanbul and Turkey's unique cultural landscape - both historic and modern; as well as strengthening cultural relations between the UK/US and Turkey.

June 29, 2010

Americans have taken to hummus with gusto, but should the flavour of the traditional Middle Eastern spread be tampered with?
