A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Nepal: US in the Neighborhood

Barack Hussein Obama, President of Nepal's "neighbor in the northern hemisphere" (to paraphrase words of President Ronald Reagan who, in mid 1980s, described Nepal as the US's "neighbor in southern hemisphere") is now passionately engaged in the Trans-Pacific affairs between the US and Asia. By preferring to call himself as the first "Pacific President" of the US, he has raised America's a neighborly standing vis-à-vis Asia.


Artists for Iran, a Celebration of the Arts and Human Rights

Levantine Cultural Center presents an extensive roster of artists and performers in “Artists for Iran,” a celebration of the arts and human rights. Combining cultural diplomacy and human rights, “Artists for Iran” comes on the heels of International Human Rights Day. Artists from Iran and elsewhere in the Middle East along with Americans of diverse backgrounds will merge in a space devoted to art, photography, poetry, live performance, comedy and more.


How China is using art (and artists) to sell itself to the world

Look past that glossy surface, though, and a carefully calibrated gambit is playing out that links cultural production with economic development and the ruling party's deep desire to shift from a service-first manufacturing centre to a serious, full-fledged player on the international stage. Practically, in modern China, soft power translates to a full-scale public relations campaign designed to bolster its image – and influence – by selling an in-tune, culturally savvy version of itself to the world.


Nation branding must be a substantive component of any competitiveness strategy

In short the nation needs to re-brand itself. The whole concept of branding is as critical to our economy as it is to our people development. It involves a conscious national effort to identify the country and differentiate it from other countries.


U.S. Muslims pen strategy to wrest ‘narrative’ from militants

A leading Muslim-American civil rights group is advocating intense grassroots engagement among police and U.S. Muslim neighborhood leaders to thwart the emergence of homegrown Islamic terrorists. A report, issued Friday by the Muslim Public Affairs Council, reflects the shock among American Muslims over the Fort Hood massacre, the arrests of five American Muslims in Pakistan suspected of plotting terrorist attacks, and the arrests of eight Somali-American men on charges related to what prosecutors said were efforts to recruit youths to fight for a Somali guerrilla movement.


Remarks at the First Diplomacy Briefing Series Meeting

The government also trying to reach deep into societies to promote public diplomacy. The Alliance of Youth Movements, launched in Mexico City in October with the backing of the State Department, is helping young leaders drive positive change in their own societies, starting with little more than a cell phone and an idea.


Shaolin Kungfu masters promote cultural exchange in Chicago

Shaolin Kungfu is a precious part of Chinese culture and Shaolin Kungfu masters are helping promote cultural exchange between China and other countries, and ultimately help enrich people's life all over the world, a distinguished Shaolin Kungfu master said here on Thursday.


Reading the (Three Cups of) Tea Leaves on the Afghan Strategy

On the same day President Obama unveiled his strategy for Afghanistan, Greg Mortenson published his second book, Stones into Schools, which continues the extraordinary tale begun in his best seller Three Cups of Tea of his mission to "promote peace with books, not bombs, in Afghanistan and Pakistan".



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