A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Social Media Improves Political Information Cascades

My favorite illustration of this was in remarks by telecommunications policy scholar and NYU prof Ted Magder who noted at a recent Aspen Institute Cultural Diplomacy Forum, even Samuel Morse, who revolutionized communications with the invention of the telegraph, had detractors. In the 1850s people began to refer to Morse's telegraph system as the "tel-lie-graph."


Harmonizing Global Science

Every major problem facing modern society now has a science and technology component—either as a cause or cure—whether it's energy and the environment, access to water and fertile land, the spread of infectious diseases, or sustaining a viable economy.

Tags: science diplomacy

Send Us Your Tired, Your Poor, But Only if They’re ‘Culturally Unique’

"It is essential for countries like the United States and the United Kingdom to maintain open borders for arts professionals," says Carrie Annand, a spokeswoman for the British Council, which deploys talent around the world. The officials' rulings have led to delays, cancellations and additional expenses for orchestras, museums and nonprofit arts organizations. "A Berlin Wall against cultural diversity" is how Bill Smith of the Eye for Talent agency describes it.


Audience mesmerised at India - Pakistan musical night in Delhi

At a musical night held at the packed auditorium of the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) here on Thursday, ghazal maestros Jagjit Singh and Asif Mehdi, of India and Pakistan respectively, mesmerised the audience with their performance. The concert was jointly organised by the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) and a non-profit ghazal promotion platform, Routes 2 Roots.


Helping Iran’s student protesters

The students, for their part, seem to be girding for a long fight, and the West should follow their lead. Western governments should offer the reform movement moral support, as President Obama did in his Nobel Peace Prize speech, promising to be a voice for the aspirations of reformers such as the "hundreds of thousands who have marched silently through the streets of Iran."


Korea Launches Image-Boosting Campaign

The council proposed diverse measures, including naming a park and a street to celebrate the summit, and creating ads for global media outlets such as CNN and BBC to promote Korea's rising global status.


NATO engages with Bloggers for first Briefing

The visit was under the auspices of Dr Stephanie Babst, NATO’s Assistant Deputy Secretary General for Public Diplomacy. As others have commented, it is a new departure for an essentially conservative organisation to engage with a field of commentators as varied – and as changeable – as bloggers.


USAID: Understaffed and overwhelmed in Afghanistan

A new report by USAID’s inspector general, which was obtained by GlobalPost, raises serious questions about how U.S. taxpayer dollars are being spent — or misspent — in Afghanistan on the construction of roads, bridges, schools and other projects.



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