A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Bernama To Exchange Radio TV Programmes With CRI

The Malaysian National News Agency (BERNAMA) will work with China Radio International (CRI) to jointly produce and exchange radio programmes and multimedia contents in Bahasa Malaysia. "We feel there are a number of areas we can cooperate, especially in radio programmes like news, talk shows, cultural etc."


Israelis looking forward to “Experience China in Israel” event

Israel's celebration for its weeklong traditional religious holiday of Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles) has just come to a close. Yet for Nicky, an Israeli living in downtown Jerusalem, the holiday atmosphere is not over. Nicky, who used to be an English teacher in the United States, is now looking forward to the "Experience China in Israel" event, which is due to begin on Monday and will conclude at the end of this month.


Science ties U.S. to Cuba

Kumar Mahadevan, of Mote Marine Laboratory in Sarasota, and Doug Rader of Environmental Defense Fund describe a series of extraordinary meetings between U.S. and Cuban scientists. During those meetings, Mahadevan and Rader write, scientists from both nations identified common threats to the environment that Cuba shares with the United States -- and Florida, in particular.


Israel Needs a Political FireWall

The issue of the Jewish State's political legitimacy was considered to be permanently off the table following UN General Assembly Resolution 181 (The Partition Plan) in November 1947. The role of Israel's status in the international arena has been underappreciated here, and is considered a "technical" issue of hasbara (public diplomacy).


Asian culture, economy go together, says HK forum

The sixth Asia Cultural Co-operation Forum 2009 (ACCF) began on Thursday in Hong Kong with the message that the Asian economy has developed alongside its culture. "Asian civilisations are more tolerant and ready to learn from others because of their cultural thinking," the secretary of the forum organiser, the Hong Kong Home Affairs Bureau, Tsang Tak-sing, told the opening ceremony.


Hidemi Suzuki to conduct famous Japanese orchestra at Ha Noi show

Audiences in Ha Noi will have a chance to wallow in classical melodies when the Japanese Orchestra Libera Classica debuts in the city tomorrow night. The concert is part of the Vietnam Airlines Classic 2009 programme, an annual series of cultural events organised by Vietnam Airlines to promote international cultural exchange.


America’s ‘brand’ may be on its way back

My opinion: I'm a bit skeptical about the conventional wisdom of America's imminent descent into a has-been superpower. The U.S. economy is still bigger than that of the three countries that follow it combined. And if you take into account the new nation brand poll, Obama's Peace Prize and -- perhaps most importantly -- the fact that virtually all Nobel Prize winners in physics, chemistry and medicine announced last week were Americans, you may start to take the forecasts about the U.S. demise somewhat more in stride.


India’s Soft Power Advantage

India seems to hold a sizeable advantage in that, unlike China, it needs to do little to render its culture appealing to the rest of the world. The process is natural, almost organic. This is consistent with India’s long history as both a birthplace of ideas, and of peaceful cultural diffusion.



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