A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Jane Fonda: Expanding the Narrative

I recently signed a letter protesting the Toronto International Film Festival's decision to showcase and celebrate Tel Aviv. This in the very year when Gaza happened. The decision made the festival a participant in the newly launched campaign to "rebrand" Israel.


Defense and Strategic Communication: what did Congress ask for before the recess?

Much has been made of made of Congressional concerns over the Defense Department's role in strategic communication and as the de facto leading public diplomat in policy, engagement, and personnel. At first the lack of informed media coverage - and shallow or error-filled when it exists - is ironic considering the subject, but there it is part of a trend when considering that in general public diplomacy and the laws governing it are also subject to misinformation and misinterpretation

Tags: congress

Iranians can’t get enough of Lost!

If America wants to change hearts and minds in the Middle East, perhaps it'd do best to put down the guns and pick up video cameras. That's because, even as Iranian officials continue to denounce the US, the Iranian people are in the midst of Lost-mania!


Rwanda: Chinese Embassy to Host Exhibition

The Chinese embassy has organised a one-week Chinese bamboo and straw weaves exhibition, as part of the series of events in what they called the China culture month. The exhibition scheduled to start on September 16, will also showcase 70 photographs taken in Rwanda and cultural heritage sceneries by Chinese professional photographers.


Shen Wei Dance Arts to perform for SU’s first-year students, Syracuse community

World-renowned choreographer Shen Wei and his company, Shen Wei Dance Arts (SWDA), will return to Syracuse for public performances of their triptych. The performances are part of the inaugural year of the University’s Shared First-Year Experience, a University-wide program for first-year and transfer students to introduce them to the campus’ vibrant intellectual life.


Get Smart: Combining Hard and Soft Power

In this “Response” from the July/August issue of Foreign Affairs, Harvard University’s Distinguished Service Professor Joseph S. Nye takes issue with Leslie Gelb’s May/June Foreign Affairs article “Necessity, Choice and Common Sense,” which is largely drawn from Gelb’s new book Power Rules: How Common Sense Can Rescue American Foreign Policy.


Nominal fee for ESTA to communicate US entry policies, promote tourism

The US Congress has passed a bill to establish a non-profit corporation to communicate United States entry policies and promote tourism, business and scholarly travel to the country.The Bill, known as the Travel Promotion Act of 2009, is currently being considered by the House of Representatives and if approved will see a nominal fee added to the Electronic System for Travel Authorization for international tourists.


Israel Lobby: The Blog Edition

I am surprised that there has been very little research into the effectiveness of Israel's decentralized new media advocacy efforts and the impact they have had on the international opinion. Unlike Russia and China - the two countries that rely on social media and bloggers to shape domestic opinion - Israel has ventured internationally, tapping into its mighty and multilingual diaspora and providing them with enough space and autonomy to devise their own campaigns.



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