Every academic discipline has its certainties, and in the small field of public diplomacy studies it is a truth universally acknowledged that the term "public diplomacy" was coined in 1965 by Edmund Gullion, dean of the...
CPD Forum: Global Leadership in Public Diplomacy
On October 14, 2015, the USC Center on Public Diplomacy will host a special event, "Global Leadership in Public Diplomacy," in Washington, DC at the United States Institute for Peace from 8:30am to 12:30pm.
Exactly 50 years ago, distinguished American diplomat Edmund Gullion coined the term “public diplomacy” to specifically denote coordinated governmental engagement with foreign publics. Since then, the concept of public diplomacy has become broadened and more expansive.
Established in 2003 to serve as a leading resource for public diplomacy scholars and practitioners, CPD has continued to contribute significantly through its research, analysis, training and public programming to discussions about the future of this ever-evolving, increasingly relevant form of global engagement.
As CPD enters its second decade, we would like to take this opportunity to share the promise this field has to offer at this unique summit that will feature four panels, a congressional spotlight and keynote address. Bringing major players in public diplomacy together with key scholars, this event will explore international advocacy, bridge the study-practice gap, evaluate the long-term benefits of cultural and educational exchanges and lay the foundation for the next generation of public diplomacy.
RSVP is required for this event. More details to follow. We invite you to follow CPD on Facebook and Twitter.
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