A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

U.S. Strategic Avoidance

Since the launching of public diplomacy in the Muslim world after 9/11, the White House and its tentacles have been vigorous in reaching out to every Muslim community...If the U.S directly engages in the present war in Sulu...U.S public diplomacy would have a hard time packaging a menu of propaganda and other military and other intelligence cover masquerading as development, civic and humanitarian assistance.


A Comprehensive Strategy for Sudan

This morning Secretary Clinton announced the results of this Administration’s Sudan policy review, accompanied by Ambassador Rice and myself. The strategy is the result of months of serious and extensive deliberations and considerations of the complex challenges by the most senior levels of this Administration. It provides the integrated and comprehensive approach that the issues in Sudan require, and it is focused on achieving verifiable progress on the ground.


Obama Won a Nobel and He Deserved It

He has eliminated the hostile language of the previous Bush administration, instead showing respect to others. He has demonstrated a deliberative management style geared toward making decisions that are well informed. He has sought to root American foreign policy in international legitimacy, thus strengthening our ability to advance our interests through collective action. Each of these moves has strengthened our country's standing and ability to promote peace, yet unfortunately, the Obama critics are out in full force, unable to accept these changes.


Youth Leaders On China Cultural Trip

Four Bruneian youth leaders departed yesterday to China's Nanning in Guangxi province to take part in the MEAN Youth Leaders Training Programme organised by the China Guangxi Youth Exchange Institute. Representatives from all 10 ASEAN countries are expected to take part in the two-month programme from October 18 to December 12.


‘Israel is inventive, moving and spiritual, not just about conflict’

Joël Lion, the new spokesman and consul for media affairs at the Israeli Consulate in the NY: "It's branding Israel, and branding Israel is a process," he said, describing a desire to change people's perception of the Jewish state as a place defined by conflict. "Israel must be something else," he said. "Israel is something inventive. Israel is something moving. Israel is something spiritual. Israel is not only conflict."


New foreign policy to boost Kenyan economy

One of the tools the country will use under cultural diplomacy is Kiswahili. It will ensure the national language secures space on the international level. Also under cultural diplomacy, sports will be boosted. “Kenya is known as a sporting country. We want to enhance this,’’ said the communications director.


Chinese art troupe in Mali hails success in cultural exchange

The performance has become a hit in the national press. "Fantastic, exceptional, extraordinary, amazing" are some of the adjectives being used by the Malian newspapers. "I have achieved one of my greatest dreams: physically seeing with my own eyes the Chinese demonstrating the martial arts technique," a young boy from a karate school in the Malian capital told Xinhua.


Hillary Clinton and Propaganda

John Brown: Hillary Clinton has broken with tradition. She, a high-ranking government official, has admitted that her government engaged in propaganda. Historically the USG has avoided the use of the word "propaganda" to describe its efforts to influence overseas publics.



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