A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Rasmussen to Present His Vision of NATO in Bratislava

New NATO Secretary-General Andres Fogh Rasmussen is set to deliver one of his key addresses after assuming his post at an international conference entitled "New Challenges - Better Capabilities" (NCBC in Bratislava later this week (October 21-22, with the speech devoted to a presentation of his vision of NATO in a changing security environment.


Television Drama Strains Turkish-Israeli Ties

The crisis was further exacerbated by a Turkish television series, Ayrilik (Separation), broadcast by the Turkish Radio and Television Corporation (TRT), Turkey’s state-run broadcasting agency. The series, prepared by a private company for TRT, portrayed Israeli soldiers murdering children. The airing of the show sparked fierce criticism from the Israeli government, and its foreign ministry officials summoned the deputy chief of mission at the Turkish embassy in Tel Aviv to protest.


Blind couple organizes cultural exchange

A blind Dubuque couple is organizing a cultural exchange with Mexicans who also are blind, inviting them to explore Dubuque for a week. Gabe and Robert Nesler will help host a group of six blind visitors from Durango, Mexico, and their companions for a week in November.


We regret to inform you we don’t know what we’re doing

The problem is strategy, accountability, and responsibility. I’m not talking about the need for a coordinated message strategy. I mean policy and program leadership that can effectively assess what is being done and coordinate the interagency responsibilities for what we loosely call public diplomacy.


Beyond prejudice: Russians Still Feel Welcomed in Georgia

"Aren’t you afraid of going to Georgia?" my Russian friends asked repeatedly when I informed them of my decision to relocate to Tbilisi. I was puzzled at first: “Is there a reason to be fearful?” I asked. “They do not really like Russians there,” was a common response.


Kashmir remained a centre of Sufiism & the tradition is still alive: Karan Singh

Dr. Karan Singh President ICCR on Monday said that Kashmir have remained a centre of Sufiism and the tradition is still alive here. Dr Karan Singh said the Programme Jahan-e-Khusru was designed to co-relate the Sofi trdation of Kashmir-Iran and Awadh. He said that Amir Khusru is our common heritage . His poetry is popular in Iran too. He also appreciated the state Academy for cooperation.


Iran’s enemy within strikes again

The weekend slaughter of several Revolutionary Guards generals in suicide bombings in the border province of Sistan-Baluchistan marked a sharp intensification of a slew of simmering insurgencies throughout Iran's restive frontier regions.It is unclear whether these covert efforts will continue as Washington and Tehran engage in public diplomacy to find a political accommodation in Iraq, but Sunday's slaughter indicates the stakes may be rising.


Video: Obama’s Diwali Message

The White House has posted video of President Obama's message on Diwali, the pan-Indian holiday celebrated by Hindus, Jains, and Sikhs. Interesting that most of Obama's direct messages to foreign populations—his public diplomacy—appear to revolve around religious outreach.



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