A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

In foreign lands, it can be polite to be rude occasionally

Another common Western practice when meeting others is to smile. In China and many Asian countries, however, this is not the case. I realized too, that it would be a mistake to assume that the other person is necessarily unhappy, discontent, or upset about the situation; it might simply mean nothing. Sometimes the opposite could be the case, that a smile might actually indicate a sense of discomfort for a Chinese person.


EU President Barroso: Europe will push its values at G-20 summit

This "new globalization" requires global governance, based on universal human values and reflecting the reality of economic interdependence. The G-20 gives us the chance to shape globalization. The chance to develop a sustainable model to replace the one brought to its knees by the failure of financial markets. Europe has a lot to offer as we develop this new global architecture. For 60 years we have been a laboratory for cross-border supranational cooperation. The European model of society strives to surpass the destructive dichotomy of unregulated markets and overpowerful states.


Hollywood Bowl comes alive to the sounds of India

An audience of over 15000 sat enthralled all through the spectacular musical treat presented jointly by National Geographic and Incredible India at the Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles on 20th Sept 2009, which was the high point of the “India Calling” Celebrations....Smt. Leena Nandan, Joint Secretary of the Ministry of tourism said on this landmark occasion that they had specially integrated a handicraft village and a travel expo with the event at Hollywood Bowl so that the combined impact of the craft and cultural traditions of India would spur people to make their travel plans.


Obama ‘impatient’ for Mideast progress

President Barack Obama attempted to push fast-forward on the vexing task of Middle East peace Tuesday, and the coming weeks will test the power of an impatient American president to accelerate the resolution of a century-old conflict. “It is past time to talk about starting negotiations; it is time to move forward,” Obama said


US-China relationship marginalises Europe

“On many issues Europe only talks, but does not take much action. It’s not the EU’s fault because European soft power only goes so far. Europe is not its own country. It doesn’t have a military, a foreign policy or a president, and even if it did, it would not be the same as an American president. To say 'let’s work with Europe’ is really an empty slogan.’” Faced with a divided Europe, China has in recent years focused its dealings on country-to-country negotiations, setting up a strategic economic dialogue with the UK, a status that France and Germany are also now seeking.


Will to halt genocide lacking: panel

Canada lacks the political will and diplomatic might to prevent future genocidal horrors by intervening early and often, concludes a high-profile panel of foreign policy experts. The authors of a 139-page report by the Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights insist soft-power measures like diplomatic warnings and cuts to foreign aid can often avoid the need for military intervention


Aspen Institute’s Cultural Diplomacy Forum

The theme of Culture and Security was focused around two sub-themes: I. Cultural Dimensions of Human and global Security-Under this sub-theme, the Forum will focus on the culture of peace and address the mainstreaming of culture as a political priority for sustainable security. II. Security of Arts and Culture-This sub-theme will focus on the protection and promotion of cultural assets for sustainable livelihoods and on peace building.


The Goldstone Report

Judge Richard Goldstone's report on the war in Gaza threatens the Obama administration's global public diplomacy options and its scrupulously graduated approach to whatever passes for a Middle East Peace process.



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