A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

U.S. Consulate General Jerusalem Sponsors Mural Projects in West Bank

The U.S. Consulate General in Jerusalem sponsored a series of school beautification projects in Jenin, Hebron, Nablus, Salfeet, and Bethlehem. In a press release the Consulate said Wednesday, these projects were designed to stimulate a sense of civic duty and pride for youth in the West Bank as a way to serve their community and improve their schools.


A Bold New Strategy for Smart Aid

Mrs. Clinton...has said the State Department is going to forge new partnerships with philanthropists to achieve America's foreign policy goals (and has already started work on a new initiative around the Middle East peace process). Her speech is an opportunity to announce a radical new departure in the way America gives aid.


Obama urges world to stand united

US President Barack Obama has acknowledged the stark challenges faced by the world, but said the US cannot succeed in tackling them alone."...We must build new coalitions that bridge old divides... All nations have rights and responsibilities - that's the bargain that makes this work," Mr Obama said.


Public diplomacy: Virtual Student Foreign Service

The State Department is really serious about using the Internet to get people to reach out to people in different countries. This is the "21st-century statecraft" stuff, person-to-person public diplomacy. I figure it's our way of reminding the world that our government and people are serious about American values again.


Turning Japanese: International pop wars

As a form of cultural revitalization after its liberation, Korea banned all cultural imports from Japan, and for decades the two countries' pop markets developed largely in isolation from one another, which created the roaring black market pop trade of illegal CD-Rs. But in October 2004 the Korean government lifted the ban on Japanese cultural imports, and in the five years since, pop exchanges have flourished.


India to showcase tourism products in Russia next month

India Tourism is organizing a series of events under its 'Incredible India' campaign in Russia during October 22-27 as part of the celebration of the 'Year of India in Russia'...the primary aim of the event is to showcase the tourism potential of India and to place India as a favored destination for the Russians.


Turkey - A savvy foreign policy player

For several years Turkey has been moving away from a hard power to an increasingly soft power, diplomacy-first policy. This new reality is based on Ankara's innovative strategic depth and the zero problems with neighbors approach...with the aim of ending disputes and increasing stability in Turkey's neighborhood, while at the same time expanding Turkey's sphere of influence.


Basij Commander: US Hiring Agents for Soft Overthrow of Islamic Republic

"The US has put on its agenda three issues for the soft overthrow of the Islamic Republic, including attraction, employment and coercion," Taeb said in a ceremony in Kerman province to commemorate the Week of Sacred Defense, marking Iranians' sacrifices during the 8 years of Iraqi imposed war on Iran in 1980s.



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