
At a time of economic uncertainty, growing belligerence from Beijing and a visible warming of relations between Washington and New Delhi, Australia is recognising the benefits of its proximity to India.

The tournament is one of the most important cultural events this country has ever staged. It is Australia's coming out as a member of Asia.

The Australian government has an elaborate campaign, including a 600-page bureaucratic handbook, to build its international image using koalas.

Australia has begun formalising the use of koalas as a "soft power" diplomatic strategy, with a 600-page manual having been drawn-up by the foreign affairs department and the marsupials increasingly being given to regional allies.

ActionAid, Oxfam and World Vision voice concern at ‘unprecedented’ cuts that divert focus from disaster preparedness programs

At a time when the world is giving more to aid, Australia has cut its aid budget by a quarter. What does this say about the kind of country [they] want to be?

December 16, 2014

On a train, one passenger reportedly spotted a Muslim woman removing her hijab, ostensibly out of fear of being targeted. The passenger told her to put it back on and offered to walk with her in solidarity. And so began #IllRideWithYou. The hashtag went viral and is currently still trending worldwide, hours after the end of the hostage crisis.

Australians have banded together on Twitter with #IllRideWithYou, a hashtag showing their solidarity with fellow countrymen scared of being attacked on public transportation. 
