
Only a lucky few North Koreans get the chance to travel out of the country, but the Democratic People's Republic of Korea's (DPRK) first national hearing impaired football team is being given the rare privilege to play their first international friendly game against Australia in Sydney this weekend.

The partnership will see the AACTA International Awards presented as the centrepiece of G’Day USA’s LA Gala in 2015, a program designed to create new opportunities for Aussies working in America and to raise awareness of the Australian screen sector in general.

The Games are at a crossroads and a historic meeting is being held this week in Monte Carlo to map a viable future.

During the recent Saarc summit, the Nepal Prime Minister's niece hosted the South Asian first ladies. A few days before that, Maggie Abbot, the Australia PM's wife took the wives of G20 leaders to see a wildlife sanctuary in Australia. And as a result, Indian babus in foreign relations are now missing the feminine touch to India's diplomatic endeavours and are hoping he will have someone fill in the post of First Lady for the country.

Koala diplomacy involved world leaders getting photographed and cuddling with Koala named Jimbelung- the furry grey animals, shy native marsupials of Australia. Jimbelung, which means friend in a local Aboriginal dialect, was later gifted to Japan.

Australia's prime minister has long accused public broadcaster ABC of being “unpatriotic,” now he has slashed its budget by US$219 million.

China's new leadership has been following a new pattern of diplomacy that features increasing softer elements and a down-to-earth manner. President Xi Jinping's just-concluded trip to Australia serves as a good example. During the state visit, the two Asia-Pacific giants lifted their relationship to a comprehensive strategic partnership and concluded their nine-year-long bilateral free trade talks.
